
Not related to politics, but still depressing af is the Eagle Creek fire raging in the Columbia River Gorge. I’m in Portland & ashes are in the air. 10,000+ acres burning in one of the most scenic areas of the country. All because some fuckwit 15 year old was playing with fireworks, dropping them into the ravine.

Trump is the one controlling Kinja.

I also have a female realtor, who doesn’t want kids, doesn’t believe marriage works for everyone, and didn’t give me a hard time when I told her I wanted to downsize into something more manageable. She points things out that I want to ignore (ie that a loft isn’t a great idea for a light sleeper if you ever want to

Think when the inevitable economic disaster happens it’ll be a wakeup call to white people, or do you think they’ll just blame minorities even harder?

UK Update:

Intentionally underfunding the census is part of this larger project, too.

The comment section of local city newspapers is always a horror show. Usually makes YouTube comments seem calm and measured in comparison. The comments on Philly.com(website for the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News) is an absolute shit show of racism and ignorance.

Meanwhile, his approval rating is still at 39%. Down a whopping 5% since his inauguration.

I worked myself into a rage debating with people over at Seattle Times in the comment section. Why did I do that to myself? I hate everything now.

I watched 6 straight months of HGTV while on bedrest in 2011 and came to the conclusion that Rinomato is the shit. She said the things on Property Virgins that we all say aloud to those stupid House Hunters buyers (i.e. don’t worry about fucking paint colours people).

Pretty much every single article I’ve ever read that whines about how “no one votes these days” completely fails to mention that this is the desired outcome of decades of legislation specifically designed to make voting inconvenient and expensive. Nope, it’s just those damn lazy Millennials!!!!

The sales rep’s reaction was the correct one. I looked like a series of factory-reject sausages bound together.

This was a good piece, Beth. Very enjoyable read.

Many in the USVI has been saying that the major airlines have been CANCELLING evacuation flights, rather than arranging for more or bigger planes. People trying to book last week couldn’t get out, and those who did had to pay exorbitant prices for one-way tickets to FL (one woman told me flights were over $2000 to

I don’t care about the Greek system but the members of that fraternity who were complicit in the kid’s death need to go to jail. It wasn’t an accident.

The whole “greek system” is an international problem. Student organisations in higher education around the world have the same shit going on. Not just the USA. Affluenza inc.

Exactly. It just seems to bring out the absolute worst in young people who are already testing their boundaries and for most having their first time being free from home. Add to that the desire to want to belong to “something” or a pack, and even if there is a voice of reason it will be ignored in favor of the rest of

Abolish the Greek system.

I recently got a moth tattoo added to my burgeoning half sleeve. The moth itself isn’t necessarily significant, my friend/artist designed it and it fit the spot and it was pretty. While healing, and covered in ointment one day a real month landed on it and got slightly stuck and freaked me the hell out and I started

Super proud of her for telling the damn truth regardless but fucking bummed that she lost her coin. I really hope this winds up opening new and better doors for her.