Parking on the sidewalk isn’t very nice either though. Shrug.
Parking on the sidewalk isn’t very nice either though. Shrug.
I mean, as a paranoid person with little actual knowledge of the law, I get it. I’d probably alias the restaurant, too.
Dred Globster!
I mean, no... you can be polite in response to (even stupid) politeness, especially if it’s your job.
AT SOME POINT maybe we’ll have to consider robot consent! And like if they’re their own species and stuff.
Some quick googling for things we can do that might be helpful...
Yeah, I was trying to be catchy more than like, accurate. : ) (And I think it's more about the image than the accuracy anyway - like I'm sure someone in Florida has spurs, too...)
I think Florida is Texas with Alligators. ; )
If pregnancy was more or less thought of as starting at “the quickening”, did people think human pregnancy was more or less 4.5 months long? (Honest question, no snark.)
I mean, I really hope she's not doing it mostly for fame and that she and Doug do make it and are happy together! She seems like a nice person with issues* - Doug seems sweet. I ship them, sure. : ) (I just have niggling doubt because of her being on another show first.)
Lol Jamie makes me suspicious though because she was also on the Bachelor... anytime you’re on reality TV multiple times it’s just so hard to believe *you* believe in what you’re doing... but Doug honestly seems like a sweetheart.
Starring because you apparently like linguistics. : )
In MA, we didn’t need two witnesses, if we had a justice of the peace. Cost for filing and the justice of the peace was I think ~ $150.
When that line comes up I always think of the end of Lolita, how HH did love her even as an adult.
That always makes me think of the end of Lolita, how Humbert Humbert did still love her as an adult.
This one has to be featured! I lol’d IRL. : )
If it makes you feel any better, no one would have asked me to prom either. (I asked a guy and he said yes.)
Me and my date left early to see the Star Wars movie in theaters. : )