(Sighs deeply and heavily) what a piece of work
(Sighs deeply and heavily) what a piece of work
White guys in dreads surely do look stupid, but there is no excuse for her behavior, none. Especially once she starts assaulting him.
I think old Kim was better looking before her work. I'm sure she had a nose job or whatever but she's a very good looking woman. Her current face hardly looks like the one on KUWTK S1.
That was in the heyday of sex tapes though! When Paris called the paps and had them photograph her buying like 12 copies of her OWN sex tape. What a time.
To be fair, Kim is a really beautiful woman. Tbh, my wife and I looked at the clips online and giggled; I didn't plunk down money to watch it.
Much like Life in the first Jurassic Park film, they’d have Found A Way.
And I don’t even mind the Kardashian pieces! They can be funny, and a direct reflection of that which our society seems to value, today.
Well fuck you kinda just nailed me down and stared into my soul
It. Will. Get. There.
I 100% don’t get the snark. Life can be lonely AF and not all of us like being glued to our Laptops commenting on Jezebel all day eating cheese and intermitenly checking out cats on Neko Atsume. Community living is great but hard to carry out in cities, as long as the price is reasonable this is a fab alternative
I fully believe in smuggling illicit alcohol to the elderly.
I think that even without the sex tape, this crew would be famous to some degree, just not at this ridiculous level and for this fucking long. Their loathsome Momager definitely has skills to turn shit into gold and is thirsty AF to be rich and famous.
Surely you can smuggle some in? The nursing home my mom used to volunteer at had this bullshit no booze policy, and all one of the ladies (in her 90s, no family around) there wanted for Christmas was a nice bottle of red wine. You can bet we made that happen for her.
This is so true, I had a few intentional (small scale, but more importantly, affordable) intentional living experiences after college. Living in community is awesome, when done well, this is essential a Dorm 2.0. They are pushing a similar-ish thing in Seattle, the Apodment, slap me. Again, for wealthy tech-workers…
Then you should take the Buzzfeed quiz “What’s Your Spirit Cheese?”
I dunno i get it tho
Retirement living for the generation that will never be able to retire!