Well then, if you are gonna stick around, could you maybe dial back the self-righteousness just a skosh? Thaaaaanks.
Well then, if you are gonna stick around, could you maybe dial back the self-righteousness just a skosh? Thaaaaanks.
No, we wouldn’t. And if you don’t like the articles, feel free to not be here anymore.
Who cares what you’d rather she do?
Actually no, the whole world has become a tabloid, these guys are just reporting on it.
I’ve always found it funny that Game of Thrones is framed as a show about “tits and dragons” when only the first season really had the former, and only the most recent season really had the latter. It’s almost like people who aren’t participating in a particular pop culture phenomenon have a vested interest in…
Why must people bitch and moan about every Trump article? Don’t read it. There’s plenty of other content on here to read.
I didn’t realize being a addict made you an anti-Semite and an abuser. Also there’s a difference between letting him move on and welcoming him back to the heights of superstardom like nothing happened at all.
An asshole who calls a female officer sugar tits when he’s drunk then pleads no congest to battery charges against the mother of his child a few years later should be called out. But you go ahead and minimize his bigotry and misogyny as a drunken mistake and just a fight. It’s not like those are symptoms of the larger…
‘also had a fight with his ex-girlfriend’ - way to underplay the battery conviction he got for beating the shit out of the woman. But hey, he didn’t rape her so kudos.
decreasesincreases cost andincreasesdecreases qualityand quantityof service.
You’re fucking dumb lol
I know he did a lot of stuff that isn’t “PC” today, like goading people to murder— but let’s remember, that was a very different time.
If you don’t have anything nice to say...
Wow. Prince? Bowie? Now Manson? We are losing all of our icons guys.
It looks like a three night event on ABC.
Oh, but it wasn’t her camera. So there you go.
The “photographic evidence” is a joke. The photo is a joke. His hands aren’t even touching her. There is no groping. To misunderstand all of this is to be as incapable of understanding humor as conservatives. That said, it was a stupid, bad (retrospect) joke. Still not groping.
exorbitant amount of public money wasted for this dick joke