
This is probably the first time I find myself hoping that a show changes reviewers between seasons (presuming this gets a second). I don’t really enjoy reading extended analysis of non-diegetic music choices that resembles analysis of inconsistent engine specifications on the starship Enterprise. The way it’s deployed

I love that you’re going to improve on Kubrick by gutting his movies. Seriously: fuck you.

Hopefully we can have a new reviewer for Season 2 because these reviews are painful to get through. We get, you’re trying really hard not to like it for some reason.

Your criticism of Roger Wade is based on 2017 morals, not 1970s. He had many teachers and parents who were okay with it and, in his mind, he was fully in

Allen is definitely a creep, but this article can’t even justify itself. Twice the author writes that the age of the female character is unclear, that she is possibly 21, but then unequivocally states “Allen is currently filming a movie in which a middle-aged man has a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl.” The

Also a reminder that Allen is married to Soon-Yi Previn, 35 years his junior and his adopted stepdaughter

This is not true. She was the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow and André Previn.

Fun fact: Farrow and Allen were never married, nor did they live together.

I am 51 years old.

Fortunately, “he probably did it” is not enough to convict someone of murder (or is it?).

People became obsessed with Avery because the show’s narrative made a compelling case demonstrating a potential gross miscarriage of justice. Couple that with the fact that he had already been wrongfully convicted of one murder

It’s interesting to watch this series from the vantage point of 2017, where the concept of serial killers seems to be on the wane. I mean, when was the last time you really heard of one making big headlines? Anthony Sowell and the Rocky Mount serial killer were both almost a decade ago now. It seems like a type of

Counterpoint: Vox is excellent and Matthew Yglesias is one of my favorite columnists.

I don’t know, ask the Greeks, buddy.

Italy is Europe’s Alabama.

WTF? I find the show incredibly compelling...even chilling at times as to tries to make sense out of non sense.

Films from the 11 century are often unfairly overlooked by today’s special effects-obsessed audiences.

Are you kidding me? Get out of here with that bullshit. I can guarantee you it’s not the only experience like this they’ve had, and their careers would have been ruined had they gone public with it. Fuck you and fuck everyone else whose first thought in the face of blatant systemic exploitation of human beings is

Man, calling Margot Robbie a bad actor is some serious “I’m so above you sheeple” edgelord bullshit.

I’ve seen no evidence of this being true. Unlike Weinstein, where the settlements and comments were out there, I haven’t heard anything like this for Tarantino. I would be surprised if it were true, given how fondly his exes have spoken of him, and how fondly his female actors regard him, and how many of them have

Let me grab my mittens real quick, cause I don’t think I can handle that hot take, Mr. Bothsidesdoit.

The Woody Allen sex abuse allegation was investigated and dismissed. Why is this thing treated as a fact? When you go through the story it’s obvious just an attack from an enraged spouse.

In before the comments turn into a total shitshow. For the record, that was one weak-ass “apology” and the #Rashomon tag directed to an Asian person is not cute. David, just say you were coked off your face and move on.

Give me a f**cking break.