
Maybe don’t have your DNC chair be a 2008 HRC co-chair if your whole message is fairness?

Uncanny. Neither look a day over 105.

Keep deflecting (: that’s right. Bill’s penchant for fucking young women that he has power over (Lewinsky), his distinctive ability to lie when caught, his flights on a pedophile’s plane with only his detail and some “masseuses” and the fact he’s named in a lawsuit going to a pedophiles sex slave island are onlyyyy


Secular means that religion, often intertwined with nationalism, is separate from government. By this very definition, Turkey is not a very secular country. Again, the Kurds and the Gays might disagree with you. Not everything is “DARN RIGHT WINGERS”; the true social conservative threat to women and LGBT persons is

Boy, you really gotta take the scenic route around all that logic to get to your point don’t ya?

Tell me how

Typical liberal. When a conservative does wrong, you pounce, when a liberal does the same thing (with more proof and more often) you just deflect.

Right because pride parades totally existed in the 60s and 70s in Turkey. Okay buddy.

Let’s not forget this is a predominantly Muslim country. That’s the issue. No one said “huh we don’t talk about killing Armenians, let’s shut down the gay pride parade too"

That’s odd. A predominantly Muslim country against gay rights? But all my liberal friends told me that Muslims are progressive and accepting of people who don’t agree or worship the same way as them?

So your argument against my point is only “B-but Trump is too!” Wow. What a high caliber argument from a pedophile

You’re welcome. Never said Trump wasn’t. But Clinton clearly is, but your political agenda and false narratives won’t let you admit it

No records other then the lawsuit he’s mentioned in? I’m just wondering why you’re so ADAMANT in your denial. Must be a pedophile

It is PROVEN he was on the “Lolita Express” with an underage girl. He’s on the flight manifest of at least THREE flights. Every news outlet has confirmed this with PICTURES of the logs with Clinton and his detail and the initials of the girls that were PROVEN to be underage when Epstein was caught. What more proof do

You didn’t answer my question first of all, second of all if he went on the plane with underage girls would you be shocked if he went on the island too? I think given that, it lends credence to the teen on the island that named him as being a frequent visitor. So what’s your point? He’s a pedophile just like his buddy

Wow. I figured you’d ignore the UK daily mail artice but to ignore both articles just bc you want to push an agenda? You realize the site you are on right now published an article last year detailing Bill Clinton’s flights on Epstein’s plane correct? He was on the island. He’s named in the lawsuit just how far are you

1) can you not Google?

I highly doubt someone who can’t use proper capitalization and who talks down to other people, along with an inability to comprehend the simplest of assertions, is a lawyer. You earn the same wage as everyone else at Petsmart.

I’m sorry, but your opinion just isn’t valid. You completely ignore all the facets of my second point mainly: