
Ahem: “Is it car-related? Not at all. It is, however, plane-related, or at the very least plane-adjacent, and we write about plane stuff all the time. So why should this be any different?”

Elon started off as this generation’s Henry Ford, and unfortunately continued to become this generation’s Henry Ford.

Yeah, people need to lighten up their expectations. No reason to expect a polished product 4 years after the product was unveiled and taking preorders.

It’s a real mystery.

This is primarily about dangerous driving, he clearly brake check the dashcam car, the dashcam car changes lanes and he looses it when he swerves back into the DC cars new lanes probably to brake check him again,  the space saver tyre is clearly a secondary cause of the incident. And it's all compounded with leaving

I’m not sure this had anything to do with the donut he was on but rather everything to do with the fact that he was driving like a complete asshat.

That said, don’t go on the highway with a donut, kids.

30th anniversary edition is orange.

Those rear tires look awfully treadless in that upsidedown shot. Explains a lot about how it got there. 

Come on man. “If a cyclist gets hit by a car, they are suffering serious injures and going to the hospital at a minimum.” I’ve seen countless videos posted of cyclists getting hit by cars who get up and rage out like a lunatic, so going to the hospital at a minimum is absolutely untrue.

Yeah this was my question — are they literally losing money on manufacturing and raw materials or is this just an issue of:

If he was in Texas, he’d be the one driving the F350.

If I get to an EA station and the 350kw charger is free, but all the 150kw chargers are taken, I’m going to plug in at the 350. Even though my truck maxes out around 150.

What about late and still half-baked because “someone” wants to launch on 4/20?

The best selling vehicle model in the world is the Tesla Model Y

I cross shopped and went with the Aptera. 

Is it for sale yet? No.

yet you removed guns from the equation and it probably ends up with 2 black eyes and sore fists.

This all could have been prevented if there had been a third person with a larger, higher-caliber gun who could have defused the situation. 

So which one of them was the good guy (tm) ?

How about some Kraft Mack and Seize...