What the actual fuck was this person thinking? If they were unaware of the propane tank in the back, what the actual fuck was the person who left it there thinking?
What the actual fuck was this person thinking? If they were unaware of the propane tank in the back, what the actual fuck was the person who left it there thinking?
I get where you’re coming from and I agree, but come on. A Charger is not a requirement to get around a city. It’s an unreliable, overpriced pig of a poorly slapped-together gas guzzler only bought by the stupidest people in our society who base their life decisions off Instagram posts and music videos.
Saying the police are refusing to catch criminals because they’re mad that folks don’t want the police to kill people probably isn’t the move, chief.
To Avis’s credit, they don’t always mess up.
Butt New Jersey.
This smells like one of those “it happened to one lady in a random PA town so that local police department is warning everyone nationwide...” type of things, like the whole “gangs flash their brights at people and commit violence as part of gang initiation” thing that was going around the internet for a long time.
“Tears on the jorts and New Balances”
I’ll buy it for seven grand, not twenty seven. I, too, know what they have.
Yeah, I would have used my car as a weapon on him. Bring a pipe to a car fight? Good luck, degenerate.
You know dude would drive off the moment he would see he was trying to start something with a bigger guy.
So the logo itself is the same, they just changed the chrome to white. Got it.
Why would he pay $75k for a Bronco and then go trade it in a few weeks later? Makes no sense. I have a feeling this guy is in on this scam.
Are you ok? This seemed so random I re-skimmed the article to make sure I didn’t read the wrong thing.
Hear me out... more turns.
“All parts for this vehicle, whether internal or from suppliers, need to be designed and built to sub 10 micron accuracy.”
People who are the victims of those without insurance will also be quickly bankrupt.
Re: 1st gear - speculative stock with no profits. It’s not investing at this point yet, it’s gambling.
What we should be doing is trying to figure out a safe space for events like this to happen away from city streets.
sometimes it’s all vowels
With the sails installed, the Pyxis Ocean’s voyage from China to Brazil is predicted to take six weeks. On a traditional voyage powered by fuel alone, the same journey can take anywhere between 20 and 40 days to compete.