
Drivers: argle bargle I saw a bike that wasn’t paying attention once so now I think they all deserve to die And why can’t I park on sidewalks argle bargle.

This is the worst solution I have seen yet. Very impressive.

It would be better if it used sensors and cameras to detect cyclists or other vehicles approaching to prevent the door from opening until they pass.

Most drivers are oblivious to anything that’s not in front of their nose. 

Those are correct covers.

Sidewalks are paid for by taxes, so I’ll just bet that’s a big deal-breaker for ol’ Barb there.

With all those slippery slopes, I would expect more broken hips...

What if somebody took their drag racer there to get washed before going to a car show ? Tommy’s would be aiding and abetting a drag show

I’m unsure as to what point you are trying to make.

I am sure if they put some balloons up and some S A L E signs on the hoods these suckers will be gone in no time.

Or just read the rules and ride a regular bike.

Maybe if they also summarily crushed said e-bikes people would get the hint. 

I guess you really are “that guy” how is this article in anyway “against EVs”? When the theme of the article is “Hey these aren’t selling well so maybe you want to think about taking advantage of a deal right now and ACTUALLY BUY OR LEASE AN EV”

Do you like looking at pictures of ridiculously expensive cars that you’ll probably never see in real life and couldn’t buy even if you could afford them?

Yet another TDI emissions-related scandal . . . .

Never said they produce the same amount. I said they both produce, and that both are solved by a better solution. 

You basically need a really solid ventilation hood (for all stovetop cooking, but especially anything with gas).

The danger isn’t the fuel source. Electric, resistive and induction both, also release harmful particulates and chemicals into the home while you’re cooking. The danger is shit ventilation. Fix ventilation standards and you pretty much address this issue. Of course, that’s easier said than done. Apartments tend to

Seriously - imagine being so unsympathetic that a towing company so instantly recognizes and does the right thing.

The overwhelming majority of people who claim to speak for the overwhelming majority don’t know what the overwhelming majority actually wants.