
If the beer came from Bell’s or Founders, I would have helped them clean up for free. 

Yup, sometimes the lanes are all busy and firetruck or cop needs to use the wrong way or death emergencies! But they generally go slower and crawl at an intersection before proceeding.

Props to the officer who pulled him over. My guess is most wouldn’t.

They received the eviction notice on May 16th ?

No, that’s deceptive and hyperbolic for clicks sake. Putting $50K in the still image without mention of R&D is typical childish Youtube bullshit. 


I’m not a watch guy either. I don’t know shit from Shinola.

1. No one is forcing you or any other American into an EV. Well, technically, you might find some police department that uses an EV, arrests someone, and then forces them into the back seat... but that’s stretching it a bit.

@Damian — Because some people have a sense of humor? Or because yours was shot off in the last war?

An EV cycle would be perfect for me once the price drops under $10,000. My round trip commute is about 15 miles. I park inside a warehouse and my boss would not mind if I charged the bike while at work. I have asked him. I know there is the Sonders Metacycle but I want something with a little more pep. 

Love the idea of electric bikes but the idea of a dead battery after 90 minutes of riding on a 500 pound, $20K motorcycle won’t get me off my Yamaha. I think the benchmark should be three hours, 400 pounds and $10K. I know that isn’t coming soon but hopefully at some point.

Red Forman: “Dumbass.”

Just read actual reviews by movie critics or even your favorite Youtube streamer. Still likely a better gauge than randos posting 0 ratings on Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes.

It’s not the dealers colluding to a fixed price. It is an agreement between Ford and their dealers on a sales practice and they have the right to do that as the Franchisor. 

Between Oregon, at number one up 7,200 percent and Washington State (#2 with a 7,150 percent increase) the Pacific Northwest saw thefts increase altogether a whopping 14,350 percent.”

Yes. And it’ll sell.

RIP the knees of my passengers if I brake hard.

Wankel Rotor wheels. Nice. 

Fuck Musk, the sooner that POS fades into history, the better.

Normally when faced with these kinds of things, I just move on to another store, but I was feeling a bit spicy that day and wanted to pin this guy down  with the actual regulations. Also, I got a blog out of it.