
I don’t know how you can say that. It’s the same opportunity — and equal distribution — for every manufacturer. This is right up there with St. Elon deciding that tax credits for electrics/hybrids were wrong right after he sold his 200,000th unit.

and needlessly duplicates (badly) an existing system:

Maybe the solution is to have bigger vehicles that can carry more people in one go through the tunnel. If it’s really high volume, maybe link the larger vehicles together in a chain so that they all travel at once all at the same speed.

The Loop – which runs underground from an area near the Convention Center’s West Hall to the South Hall, involves bringing people into Teslas at “stations.” They are then driven by a human – sorry folks, no self driving in the tunnel – through it to a drop-off point. 

More likely, the algorithm charged this guy a ton. He complained, and they fixed it without a second thought. 

It was probably an automated algorithm that did it, which likely doesn’t account for weather conditions.

My buddy has an ex-wife that’s a loose nut.  The indicators were a little different.

In what twisted world does Google maps owe anything to anybody? Drivers must do a better job of observing road conditions and not being idiots. Bloggers must do a better job shifting through their shit takes.

umm, no.

Someone needs to do a well being check on the guy who’s putting in all that effort into trying to find an used EcoSport.

(in order to pay the taxes on a bigger stock purchase)

so cry about it.  dunno what to tell you.  scroll on to the next not musk article.  he deserves every bit of scrutiny hes getting for as much as he runs his mouth. 

And while the dealer is trying to make it right for Fredricks, he’s still out of $10,000 and a car.

If we could just go ahead and add the two teens to some sort of watch list for probable future serial killers, that’d be super.

Except its absolutely NOT as effective as a real fucking cloth mask. You goddamn imbecile.

Just stop.

This guy might have been doing it just to make the video but I’m suspicious of the 2 other passengers that just decided to stand up and join him in solidarity. Any time I’ve been on a plane as it’s loading I just want everyone to sit the fuck down so they can shut the doors and we can take off and get to where we’re

Hey people who don’t use our product. To make sure you aren’t being stalked by our product please download this software we made. Don’t forget to allow the program to use your location, otherwise it wont work right.

Absolutely. My KLR650 exists for backcountry camping, but it made a great narrow, curb-hopping city bike too.

Even with all that I don’t think it rates more than a three, three point five at most, on the Tracy rustbucket scale.