Depends on were you live but most people I know use it for AC not for TV.
Depends on were you live but most people I know use it for AC not for TV.
Here’s how things went, guaranteed.
Coulda used a spoon engine. Definitely went for a premium during race wars.
Get in front of the semi, flashers on, waving frantically, slowing down at a gradual pace. I’d wager someone else would help block a second lane, assuming they’re not filming as well. Better than DOING FUCKING NOTHING!
Never trust a man named Gooch.
Much of what makes a care reliable or not has a lot to do with the types of people who buy them. Cheap “disposable” cars tend to be purchased by those who couldn’t give a damn about maintenance, often driving them into the ground and then complaining the car was a POS. I’ve owned a few of those “disposable” cars over…
That’s what “insolent” is for
It would be incredible! If they actually build this for street use (maybe with a suspension) I will bake, serve, and eat some humble pie. I will also eat a shoe, because I don’t see that happening
Oh, I like Doug, appreciate what he’s done, and am happy with his success. I truly hope people enjoy his work. The videos just aren’t my thing. I don’t consume much of my entertainment that way, and never got into it after he left.
you're not buying a sex van to HIDE your sexy acts
Every van is a sex van if you believe in yourself.
For maximum discomfort, say that it was bandied about by one party, then pretend to look up details once people have reacted, and say you had been mistaken and it was the other party. Watch for those who suddenly find themselves changing positions.
We don’t want to cause any more accidents.
Usually it’s behind a detent - so there’s a notch, or you lift a collar on the shaft, or push the knob down, that kinda thing.
OR an Australian guy got his cooler scooter impounded for driving it on a sidewalk and without a license.
You and I have very different definitions of the following words/phrases appearing in the above article:
That is wheelie cool.
Ah, got it. Carry on.
I worded that confusingly; I didn’t mean those years were the extent of the second gen, just that the years I had the sales numbers for--around the era of the GTO shown--were in the 2nd gen. But yeah, you’re right.
I can’t comment on the situation at large, other than it sucks. But wanted to say, that’s some great investigative journalism. 👍