You’re the guy.
You’re the guy.
I just ate a bunch of Arby’s for lunch, does that count?
If ass air is what you’re looking for I know a guy...
Dear Penthouse: It was a hot day in the summer. The mechanic’s blue shirt was unbuttoned an extra notch, showing glistening chest hair. His hands were the rough, strong hands of a working man as they shook mine and I looked into his grey eyes, steely as the tools he wielded.
Next: “The wheels and tires are an extra $1000, or you can buy the car on bricks”.
With the hardtop, priced about right, without it’s ND (well, NA but you know). Having shopped and bought recently IMO about $1,500 high w/o the top.
“Next time I have to do this job, I’ll already have the tool.”
This is painfully accurate. I was trying to break free a caliper bolt on my Tacoma and when it finally went, I faceplanted into the fender. Broke two teeth and needed a root canal. Mucho dinero.
Mercedes: The $30k-$35k target was to buy the vehicle, not the annual maintenance bill.
+1 for Lawrence again
Thank you!
I saw a huge hole in the market for wood-based-crane content, and I FILLED IT.
They could try lifting it and putting some black plastic cladding on the wheel wells, I hear that’s pretty popular.
I thought that was a description of their third date.
There must be a requirement between welding properly and beard growth. For example, David Tracey, small beard, low welding skills. Myself, moderate beard, moderate welding skills. This glorious man in the photo? Amazing welds. The conclusion? Santa would be the greatest welder ever
They REFUSED to publish my story about my Miata getting locked to a Supercharger! It’s been there 7 months, still on E.
Man, I really need a lot of money...
“The other unbelievable thing I learned about the Ariel Atom is that a shockingly small percentage of owners actually track their cars. The number they gave was something around four percent.”
This is disgusting.
But not many people hit the hilarious trifecta of misusing Autopilot, driving on a suspended license and crashing into a cop. It could have only been more stupid if they crashed into a jail. lol
Tesla Autopilot is getting really good. Here we see it pull itself into the nearest Charger.
I’m seeing more and more green and brown on new cars and I am 100% here for that shit.