
Use of the word “shall” is common in regulatory guidelines and is used to indicate a firm requirement.  Whereas the word “should” indicates a recommendation or suggestion.

Elio, though. They're in it for the long haul!

In all seriousness., that’s a beautiful dream.

Electric cars are not replacing ICE anytime in the next 3-5 let alone 10 years.  This is a stupid take.

Start confiscating their cars and auctioning them off. After few instances douche bags will learn their lesson.

Seize all the cars involved and just fucking crush them. There are plenty of cameras recording it and I’m sure tons of videos on the instafacegramtubes. 

The only clean thing about it. ;-)

It makes me irrationally happy that you get to see the car that you loved owning for so long just by looking down the street.

Kia Souls are fucking great and if Americans weren’t insecure to the point of frantically committing suicide via autoerotic asphyxiation while furiously sobbing against the backdrop of “Proud To Be An American” played on endless repeat, they would be half the cars on the road. I’m prepared to die on this hill, fucking

If the plaintiff is really scouring freakin’ YouTube for hot stock tips, he’s got bigger cognitive issues than misinterpreting and maligning bland CEO interviews that he thinks gave him buy signals ...

“I’m suing because the CEO of the company thought it would be successful.”

I read that as Schrader believing that Workhorse had a great shot at the USPS contract due to Biden’s comments. Unless evidence comes out that Workhorse already knew they were out of the running, these comments are just optimism.

Methinks perhaps you should have written about these screaming deals after you finalized your own.

The dealer is no longer under the same ownership. Its still there though but under a different name. But It wouldn’t make sense to name the dealer now as it would do a disservice to the current dealership and some could imply that they were the ones that did it. Were they still around I would most definitely name them

The experience soured her on Chrysler products”  They did her a favor with this generation Chrysler.

I think that part of this is that - through experience - humans have learned to pick out signs of a bad/aggressive driver. If I see a moron driving like that rushing up on me, I’d probably move out of the lane if I had time or I would ease off the gas/tap the brakes when he goes to cut me off. Because I can see his

Have you met the average American?

The #1 cause of fuel pumps being slow is that I’m already late to wherever I’m heading.

The attendant at a Costco told me about the filter thing. It was a new Costco and he seemed pretty proud of his job, which is unusual for a gas station attendant but hey there’s absolutely nothin’ wrong with giving a shit about your work. Anyway he was talking about how he goes around once an hour and checks all the

Hey man, your job IS your credit!