
My first thought was, “If they’d sell it with the camo, I might actually buy one.”

This poster stayed on my wall for much of the late 80's early 90's. That being said the color scheme, price, etc. on this one just don’t do it for me.

But the real question is......what are the 8 posts you have hidden??

Oh they’re coming. And I’d argue we need both (infrastructure/driver education and varying degrees of autonomy). It’s almost assured that “full autonomy,” as in every single car fully driverless on current roads is not a reality at least for decades, but operation on highways (GM’s SuperCruise, Tesla’s Autopilot,

Dude took hot lapping the course too seriously.

Nucking Futs.

Yep, I was afraid of this. He got hit by Cupid’s Alero.

It’s nice to know that even the most talented and experienced among us are still prone to spilling fluids everywhere and cracking windshields.

Reasons why I look into other cars at stop lights:

I wad hoping someone would bring up the double post

Whoever did this should have their balls chopped off

In Klamath Falls, if you’re a hunter, you probably butcher your own. And I’m sure the cop is a hunter.

That’s the weirdest ‘right, front wheel well’ I’ve ever seen......

We don’t get that version here. Stop being mean.

I like how the ambulance hazard lights flash once just after impact, as if to say either “hey, I got this”, or “F150, you have made a fatal mistake”

Cassette cleaner is both a necessity if you have a tape deck, and an all access pass to the cheapest high of the 80s.

It’s a pretty car, but if I could afford one I doubt I would want one.

Dear Sir, I humbly request permission to hoon your 7......

I have the saddest project car of all: NOTHING.