
This has meth written all over it.

Derivative? Yeah.

Tom McP is the only human I would trust to pick out a car on my behalf. Maybe he could start a business doing this?

Farted continuously in rental Camry all the way from Montreal to NYC.

“Homeless guy walks up to my car, yells at me and says insulting things.”

When push comes to shove, this guy is the winner in my eyes.


I want to NP this so bad it isn’t funny. But........... Tired engine making hard warm starts. New main seals are going to mean expensive surgery for this sweet old barge. About half the price would perk my ears, and give me room to address the expensive engine work. A very reluctant CP for the fellow Jalop with

“dates david tracy”

maybe, and likely. but that’s for the insurance company to decide, not this asshole.

Meanwhile, across the street, the BMW folks are hopeful that they’ll be able to squeeze in a second car.

That’s a lot of AMC Eagles

which Kia calls an “extended hot hatch” for whatever reason

Another easy one!

1947 - 2017*

yeah, like i get its supposed to be the union jack but it bothers me

The hinged windshield could be great for those rugged excursions to soccer practice. Tilt it forward for an unobstructed view of Madison and Jacob out there on the field as you sit in car and sip your latte, avoiding that other mom who is constantly on your ass because you bought non-organic postgame treats when it

Don’t get me started on them. It’s always “brown manual diesel wagon or GTFO!”