
Those swimming pools won't be cerulean blue after humans have disappeared.

Before anyone posts a correction hashtag that it's an F-14 engine and not an F-414:

Professional athletes are also grossly overpaid for what they do, so the comparison is lacking.

D'OH! Foiled again. Thanks :)

You've obviously never heard of Poopouri.

Perhaps the swarm-of-pebbles idea will be tested by the asteroid mining consortium recently announced.

Now playing

Yeah, those aromatherapy candles are a silent killer.

Holy moly, not only is this working on my iPhone 4S, it's working on my iPhone 4S while I'm riding on a bus.

"Special Bulletin". And yes, I remember watching it in my freshman dorm at UT and how people were freaking out that it was real, despite the commercial break notices.

It's coming right at us!

...And a photo I snapped.

Now playing

Here is the video I shot this morning as Discovery caught one last piggyback ride around the Washington Monument.

Makes sense. After all, Salt Lake City is where they have over 130 crosswalks with removable brightly-colored flags that you're supposed to carry across the street (so that you're not run over by *drivers* not paying attention).

The guy in the cube next to you is obviously a man of class and talent. Real computer nerds use buckling spring technology. For the record, I own two Unicomp clicky keyboards and a genuine IBM Model M which is my clickety pride and joy (and doubles as a bludgeon for the coming zombie apocalypse).

When I was a freshman architecture student at UT-Austin in 1982, my professor was a Kraftwerk devotee (Kraftwerker?) (Kraftwonk?). He centered an entire assignment around the basic concept of designing a building that was the physical manifestation of "Trans Europe Express". I listened to that friggin' cassette tape

If it's any consolation, the original models wouldn't be of any use anyway, other than perhaps to function as scene placeholders for new models. The Lightwave models used in B5 were optimized for the limp-wristed computers available back in the mid-to-late 90's and would look quite primitive if re-rendered today at

The problem with doing for DS9 what they're doing for TNG is the later seasons of DS9 where the effects were rendered in CGI at 480p (basically, the entire Dominion war). Even if somehow you could get your hands on the CGI models that were used (the effects house that did most of DS9's effects is long out of

Oh good... I thought I was the only person to whom this had happened. And yeah, I prefer the Timeline view too and want it back.

I'd pay good money to see Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Motion Picture, but I think we both know that it will never happen. And besides, at the end of the day I think DS9 told the story it set out to tell and I'm fine with leaving the ending as-is. What I **will** continue to hold out hope for is a high-def