
Yeah on second thought, maybe you should NOT text them.

Ridiculous. What is the point in overclocking only a couple of cores and shutting down the rest, other than to say "hey looka here what I did!" This would be like turbo- and supercharging a couple of cylinders in a Ferrari 599 V12 while pouring cement into the other ten.

I upgraded AND switched carriers. I've been on AT&T since mid-2009 with a hand-me-down iPhone 3G that was already a year old when I got it. When I placed my order yesterday, I not only made the leap to a new carrier, I also upgraded three whole models (3G —> 3GS —> 4 —> 4S). My AT&T contract has been up for months, so

I own a 2011 BMW 335i and take exception with my vehicle's inclusion in your listicle. My driving skills are beyond reproach, and I reject the notion that — merely because I drive a car with 300+ horsepower — my driving habits are anything less than exemplary.

@80Supra: Oh god, my eyes! What has been seen cannot be unseen! Damn you, 80Supra!

@Quattro-luvr: Too much relentless black-on-black. I'll take Contrasting Colors for $800, Alex.

@MarianoCrivelli: As wrong as Pluto being demoted to "asteroid 134340". Bah humbug.

@anthonym: Tasteless Nielsen families are tasteless.

@CABEZAGRANDE: Seconded. What a graceful, sleek giant (and it is a GIANT in person—if you're ever in Dayton, OH you can see the sole remaining copy of this gorgeous plane at the National Museum of the USAF).

@Zool SD: Hell yeah. Why anyone would buy a mushy keyboard is beyond me. Unicomp and vintage IBM FTW!

@BadJoJo: The Firefox codebase diverged from Netscape years ago. Firefox has as much Netscape in it now as Internet Exploder has Mosaic.

@dallasmay: Actually, it's a very real problem that gets worse all the time. Orbiting satellites and human-crewed spacecraft are not evenly spread out over the 34 trillion cubic mile volume you mentioned (side note: love to see how you came up with that number!); they are more heavily clustered in well-traveled routes

I saw an automagical tranny on 9th Avenue the other day, and no way she was faster in those bitchin' 8-inch heels she was rockin'.

I got the same letter in the mail yesterday. I'd really like to know how I landed on their Fairy List.

All that this story needs is for his wife to be a Grace Kelly lookalike.