
I read that bullshit explanation apology of his. I also know that for the last fifteen years the media was overwhelmingly so fine with it that they let him go from superstar to godlike stature without writing articles,tweeting links or otherwise commenting on this rape. (I read one post about it on Deadspin, after he

No, what’s too close for my comfort is how much regular news outlets behave like tabloids. The fact that this tendency is directly responsible for the election of a worthless troll as president doesn’t seem to have woken them up one bit.

Come on, you know that any statement you cite, reference or link to is by default considered as endorsed by you. In the term paper example, your professor would consider you endorse the quote you include unless you make a point of arguing against it. She was trying to be coy and make her point while hiding behind

Seriously? I have repeatedly commented that PEOPLE can say whatever the hell they want to say, but JOURNALISTS can’t and they don’t get to try to do it by being coy either.

She knew what she was doing and I’ve read your comments long enough to know that you know it too.

That's true. When it's a journalist doing it they want to have their cake and eat it and, as you say, naw.

People shutting down private individuals for bringing up accusations are being ridiculous though. Even if your hero was a saint don’t go looking though comment threads expecting everyone to sing their praise. That’s where all the good and bad gossip is. Read content from official outlets who have to mind what they say

In talking amongst ourselves, yes, there’s something to being credibly accused of something but in journalism or legal circles, not so much. Besides that’s just something we say to make ourselves feel better because if credible accusations meant something to us, the accusers making them would be under police

The article existed and anyone could find it but putting a link in her tweet is like including a reference in a term paper, you’re making that opinion your own.

But that’s a hairsplitting distinction. If a journalist posted a link to a story about you I doubt you’d be saying it was fine as long as she did it in a tweet instead of an article even though with the reach social media has, just as many people might read it.

A journalist can’t say you committed a crime if you weren’t convicted of it. People complaining that news outlets barely mentioned those accusations are missing the same point.

There’s a difference between what you know/believe as a private person and what you can say someone did as a journalist. If you aren't convicted of a crime an outlet can't act as though you were, that's the mistake she made.

You’re forgetting that when MJ died he was in the middle of rehearsals for a comeback tour. He’d been seen walking around LA with his eldest children. Footage of that time was used in the This is It documentary and he looked better than he had in a while. Anyways, he didn’t die of natural causes, but because of a

The writer is just plain lying. The last presidential election proved most white voters are okay with racism. Then add all the white people who didn’t go vote in an election where one of the candidates was openly racist and got white supremacist seal of approval. Then add all the white democrats who didn’t vote for

Quite likely. The comments were 90% of the attraction that kept me coming back to this site. Few of the writers have ever stood out, honestly.

Agree. You don’t like making the effort of a thank-you note, don't accept gifts. Problem solved.

True. Does this guy not realize how much better your own life is when you don't have racists in your entourage? 

I was your kid. The only thing that worked was explaining why I should do something, in other words, teaching me to reason instead of wanting blind obedience.

Probably very little and we’ll just have to soldier on without it just like all the people who have comparatively very little heritage because we ripped them away from their earlier history.

Aren’t you missing the point that we had no business being in Irak at all? We’d been attacked by the Taliban. For the second time, btw. The Taliban were in Afghanistan and Pakistan, not Irak because Saddam was one of their staunchest foes.