
To elaborate on your statement, when you take into account all government aid to families and individuals such as farm subsidies and programs to help small businesses and not just those like SNAP you not only see that white people benefit immensely from government largesse but that black people’s aid is only meant to

Especially amazing considering the resistance cops have to wearing a bodycamera on duty. You don’t want a record of how you do your armed tax paid job but a video of THIS shameful display is okay with you?

True that. Overall, the acting is pathetically weak. Clark Gable and Hattie McDaniel are the only talented ones and what a shitty role that was for her. This is a cheap, badly written novel filmed with the best effects money could buy and if it didn't give racists a rose colored view of themselves and their lousy,

Sure, but then you can read those scenes as absolving those Southern whites of guilt about the practice they were benefitting from. ‘Look, bless their hearts, they had no idea it was terrible’ when it’s absolutely impossible for you to both keep slaves, hunt down those who escaped, make them work hard from childhood

Good. That movie is a fairytale about an antebellum South that never was and its sympathetic portrayal of slavery, rape and the birth of the Klan and Jim Crow era make it as much a Confederate monument as any of the trashy statues that were put up at the same point in our history.

You are too dumb to get it even though the explanation for your statistics is right there in your comment.

I don’t know what you are but you’re not white if you really believe that stat. The evidence of my eyes is that a black man is far more likely to pay for his violent crime than a white one but that has nothing to do with them being more violent and everything to do with them being more policed. The only white people I

America itself is the proof. Are you forgetting how we were founded?

Your wife is a keeper :-D

Yes, they were some of the guests at a girl empowerment event in the UK a few weeks ago. 

He sold his shares a few years ago. 

Right now what would be the waste is using government resources that could be doing something to help deal with the pandemic to figure out who deserves what. Better to give everyone the money and high income earners will give it back in income tax or something next year when this crisis is over.

Yes, just like the millions of Europeans who also invited themselves over here. 

So she was looking to do the same thing your ancestors did?  What’s your point?

Oh My God! My mind had blocked out that abomination. 

Well, the trouble facing the medical community when dealing with the con-Rep virus isn’t just how prevalent it is but that whenever its carriers have to shut up for any length of time they go on a comeback tour of speaking engagements and motivational books when they're turned loose again.

Well, she is trying to pull herself up by her bootstraps in the great Republican tradition so she hardly ever brings him up. ;-)

For now. I’m sure John McCain’s daughter will have many opportunities to astound us with her lunatic opinions before this crisis is over.

The emptiness of some aisles may not reflect the cleaning habits or hygiene of your neighbors though. Once panicked people emptied the stores in their neighborhoods they started raiding those farther off.

I thought this moron had shuffled off to Fox, was John McCain’s daughter somehow unavailable to say dumb shit?