So this baby raising book was written by the French state? If not, your argument makes no sense at all.
So this baby raising book was written by the French state? If not, your argument makes no sense at all.
Lol, what? Unless you can prove the value of your business, its price is whatever buyers want to pay for it, not whatever you ask.
Halcyon days, when the biggest news of the day could be that an author was getting raked over the coals for putting too much fiction in his nonfiction.
From what I’ve seen it’s traditionally run nonprofits/charities that are the biggest offenders for having bloated overheads.
I suppose they could lie to the public at large for a while to keep up their reputation but the truth would come out pretty quick because fundraising organizers can’t pull money out of other client accounts to cook the books the way an investment manager can.
I knew this troll's name sounded familiar. Thank-you.
Since a fundraising organizer’s reputation and success is defined by how much more money they can get people to give to the cause they’re representing, sure it’s okay for them to be fairly compensated.
Ah, I see. My impression was that this was what one organization was paying him and since he’s involved with many others some would pay him while others might not be able to. Still, all in all, successful professional fundraisers earn surprisingly high salaries.
Hi, I almost always agree with your comments but if he’s actually doing this job-which apparently helps raise millions-what does it matter if he has other sources of income? For this one, the pay is modest compared to what I know fundraising organizers earn unless they say they’re volunteers.
I’d say not from that report. If his accusers could prove he hadn’t given the money he collected, it seems they would have by now or better yet reported this to the authorities instead of tweeting about it.
That’s not even 50 thousand a year. If this was a regular job it would pay about $25 an hour, that’s not terrible but it’s modest. And if this is before taxes then it’s actually a low paying job.
Come on, you have to admit this story is what went left. The author found out JJ not only knew his sister was dead but that he knew because he’d been back for her funeral meaning that at least up until that time- which was only a few years ago not 30-he’d been quickly reachable despite being abroad. Keeping in mind…
Possibly but people often aren’t making lateral moves in real estate transactions. They’re either going to a bigger place or downsizing so I wonder if all sellers are in a more difficult position at this time of year or only those with a specific type of property like houses in the suburbs.
Aw, you don't say? Well, since unlike them we don't put a gun to their heads, if they can't do their jobs properly, they're welcome to quit.
Get over yourself. Being a cop isn’t even in the top twenty most dangerous jobs and I don’t think it’s ever been. Cops aren’t killing unarmed citizens because the job is hard, it’s because we let the authorities hire unbalanced, violent thugs.
Now even comedy shows are going to ‘both sides’ us?
That’s how statistics work though and since the sample is actually quite large the margin of error is most likely quite low. I would trust what this study is saying.
To anyone thinking that it’s not worth the bother because of how his confirmation hearing went, I say maybe he won’t be impeached this time but that’s okay. Sooner or later he will be and in the meantime he’ll never be sure when it’ll happen and will live with himself and everyone around him knowing that day will…
She has more of a dumb look than an angry one to me.
That’s a very good tip. Seeing a house get put together from scratch makes you very aware of the elements that go into it and which ones may need upkeep and replacement over time.