Behold! My Comment-inator!

This is what happens to me in these situations:

Thank you for saying that and looking at it the normal intelligent way, I didn't have the energy to start with him.

Ever been to the bluff at the end of Pulaski Road in Smithtown? It's my favorite smoke spot beach.

Oh Mr. Bezos, you cleverly brilliant man you.

Perhaps it's M.A.P. for My Android Phone

The only issue I have with your statement is the security problem point reminiscent of a key aspect in the Windows v. OSX debate. It's only more secure BECAUSE of the smaller market share. If it were to become vastly popular for reasons similar to yours, that aspect would eventually become moot.

I always have some sort of quirkiness going on when browing Giz through Chrome. I'm on the beta channel though..

Hey Molly, I'm a small tech operation on Long Island and I can recover the data from that drive for you, in just a few minutes, while you wait. LMK if you'd like your stuff back via my assistance!

Alright, let's say I want a charger of this quality that has micro usb at the end instead of a 30 pin connector. Who can I throw my money at?

Behold! The best comment of the day so far belongs to you!

Inorganic: The ZF-1 from Fifth Element.

I'm deeply sorry for your loss, and hope to hold you in my arms once more. LOL. - BMC

Reddit News - Soooo much faster than RIF.

Probably because they've never seen a cartoon child from Colorado using screen interfaces before.


It's NEVER Lupus.

I think you hit the nail on the head. So much so that we won't need to use nails anymore, adhesives only. Oh wait..


Oh wow thanks I guess you know how to use that new website, [] lol

"Well sir, we were unable to obtain sharks with laser beams on their heads, but we were able to get our hands on Tasmanian Monster Crabs."