This really stings for me personally, because that is my precise height and weight, and I have received decades of unsolicited advice, concern trolling, ignorant judgments, and just plain old fashioned rudeness about my appearance, mainly from women my own age.
I hate that people are body shaming her, because this show glorifies "getting healthy" and "losing weight", but then this poor girl does what everyone on earth wants her to do and she gets railed. I'll admit, her weight loss is pretty shocking. 60% of her body weight? Wow. It's just — there is so much to say, but I…
Is it just me, or was that whole "make eye contact with your former self" moment particularly crass?
You knew me when I was a little girl, Diane Keaton. Have you forgotten me?
why, seriously, why is there a statue of limitation on sexual assault?
That last paragraph is just the kicker. Hollywood attempts to be so progressive in things like its politics, the environment, etc. But it reveals how incredibly backwards it actually is when it comes to things like abuse (in all forms). Nice, powerful white men are forgiven - even supported - by the Hollywood…
As a kid, I never understood my dad's hatred for him and why he'd never let me watch any of his movies. Now I get it. Thanks, Dad!
Also LOL cuz women are crazy and irrational, AMIRIGHT?
Is anyone else bothered by the whole crazy ex-girlfriend stereo-type, especially as it's obvious to me that the copy was written by a MALE? I've only heard phrases like, "I'm going to lose my shit on you," and, "I want to vomit into your eye socket" said by men (almost verbatim). Women don't usually describe setting…
I was under the impression that he came from a long line of cartoon villains.
And this just confirms my suspicions that Miley knows exactly what she's doing with her image. I've always thought her craziness was a carefully constructed act that she knew exactly how far she could take for publicity without letting it send her down a child celebrity spiral. Especially in the last few years. She…
That was my point... It's a fucked up ad campaign that invites people to be titillated and entertained by issues that are real and dangerous. It's not clever and it's not funny.
Really? Seriously? no one deserves sex. Doesn't matter if the woman is prancing around naked, if you force, you are a rapist.