Oh my god yes. I've been trying to tell people this ever since Reality Bites came out, that Singles is a far better movie. I _still_ quote Singles from time to time. I just wish I had it on DVD...still on VHS :P
Oh my god yes. I've been trying to tell people this ever since Reality Bites came out, that Singles is a far better movie. I _still_ quote Singles from time to time. I just wish I had it on DVD...still on VHS :P
You're welcome. The woman who I met when I visited was lovely, so I'm happy to point people her way. Apparently a lot of visitors come there after they experience a loss and find it very comforting because they get ideas about how they can work through their grief. And I can see why—I think Western grief practices…
It's the Museum of Mourning, and it's in the Arlington Cemetery: http://arlingtoncemetery.us/museum.asp
When the cat who'd been my constant companion for ten years died suddenly, I had the vet shave him, and sent the bag of his fur to a woman a few hours away who spins animal fur into yarn. She made a 50-50 blend of Oscar and merino, and I have it sealed carefully in a bag away from moths, and intend to make a lacework…
There's a Victorian museum of mourning outside of Philadelphia with all kinds of hair art. Beautiful stuff.
"Can I get extra green peppers on mine? Thanks, duuuude."
Back in the 90s, I had a bunch of pairs of big-ass parachute pants with drawstrings on the bottoms of the legs, and one time, one of the drawstrings got caught in an escalator. It's very lucky that these particular ones were elasticized, because I could at least move, and a girl further down was able to unhook me. I…
I'm so glad to see you posting this. I cringed when I saw the item on him the other day. Putting someone under the microscope that way is just awful.
You're absolutely right about skin tones. I'm fairly pale with pinky undertones and freckles, so I can get away with earth tones, blue-reds, and some pinks. Too cool a tone or too orange a tone, and I just look a bit ill. Her skin tone, she could probably wear corals and oranges, and probably the whole spectrum of…
That's an awesome colour. It would look terrible on me, but it looks fantastic on her.
They complained about someone missing part of their arm? What a bunch of assholes. >:(
Everything else aside, Miley looks so excited in that photo. It's sweet.
"We don't wanna jinx him...maybe he's gotten better..." Yeah, I can see how that would go :/
Shh, you'll give someone ideas :P
Me too, Cats, me too. If only everybody came with instruction booklets: "This person can be trusted except in the following scenarios. Proceed at your own risk."; "This person is entirely trustworthy, though they may act squirrely at times. Just ignore that and be happy."; "This person should not be trusted to even…
Yeah, as a Canadian, it's like picking on Gramma. I can't pick on Gramma.
Yes! It's amazing to me that some people just accept friend requests from people they've never met. If I've never met you in person, and I don't know you through someone I trust, I'm probably not going to add you.
He didn't attack her with a knife. He attacked her with pills. Since they both cause harm, pill = weapon.