
Have you ever seen the MS fanboys talk about that moment? They use that moment as an example of how Sony is classless - and why they chose MS because they don’t take ‘cheap shots’ at their competition.

No, instead they just alienate Japanese and Indie developers with the douche-y, American business egos. Seriously,

To be fair, the SNES one had all the flipping and bouncing that was kind of fune.. But yeah, I totally preferred the Genesis. But it really is okay if you prefer the SNES version.

Hold on a second... You think the SNES version of Aladdin was better than the Genesis version?! Surely, you must be joking...

> Less games in no way results in better games.

While it’s true that it’s not a given, Assassin’s Creed - specifically - would likely benefit from going to a bi-annual release schedule. Being on an annual (or worse, semi-annual) release schedule makes releasing on time all the more important - or else you’re

Absolutely. Not only would the releases be less buggy (ideally), fewer people would get actively burnt out on the franchise... only to be lost forever because by the time they feel like jumping back in they’re now 5 games behind - which just feels daunting.

I love that we’re getting a new Metal Gear and a new Mega Man (urr... I mean Mighty Number 09) in September! It’s my birthday month and those are the 2 franchises I associate most with birthday gifts (along with Resident Evil)!

Also, Pac-Man Championship Edition (and DX) are amazing. Plus, Pac-Man has his own platformers and children’s cartoon these days. He’s everywhere.

Seriously. They were repeating themselves by season 2... And it’s just so formulaic. The show basically writes itself at this point (and has done since season 3 at the latest).

Every joke falls under 3 categories:

Sheldon is autistic and doesn’t understand social protocol.

Penny is an idiot / and doesn’t understand the

Meh... Those 2 hours include load times and UI navigation. Not to mention that most games, even the short ones you mentioned, would take a new player more than 2 hours to complete...

And even if they could hit 70% of your game and simply decided to get a refund because they don’t care about finishing it - then that’s a

So, this was likely content that was removed and used as a marketing tool to appear generous with minor DLC?

While that’s all well and good... I wish they just came in with title updates. Why task me to go into the marketplace just to grab free shit?

Sledgehammer is the greatest! I wonder if Hatred 2 will bring him back and pretend like everything in Hatred 2 happened before the final mission of the first one.

Even more annoying than the fake controversy is the way the ‘above it all’ folk respond do it. It’s essentially the Death Metal - the Blacksploitation - the gratuitous revenge novel of the video game industry.

The most offensive part of Hatred wasn’t the slaying of innocent NPCs - or its juvenile, cringe-worthy

Yeah, I’m pretty sure most games default to the Male selection as a means to quicken the character creation process - for their most likely users. It seems that the majority of people are still making male, white characters - thus, those are the defaults.

So... Basically we can quicken the process for the majority of

Ah, I see. I missed that brief mention of the ‘original’s lack of texture variety’ comment in my brief glance through. Admittedly, I didn’t read it super closely as it seemed like you were projecting your ideas or assumptions as to why people dislike The Flood or The Library - rather than addressing the actual issues

Oh man... If they added the physics and vehicle customization of Banjo Kazooie Nuts ‘n’ Bolts - it’d be perfect!

I see you’re playing in the Remastered graphics... Which made the Library far more tolerable by placing the light arrows that point you in the right direction. Without these, it’s entirely too easy to get turns around and needlessly backtrack - which is super annoying and un-fun in a game that doesn’t have enemy

This. Non-internal teams who are tasked with doing ports often don’t get the necessary support they need. Partially because the developer doesn’t want to divulge everything - and also because of the whole ‘out-of-sight/out-of-mind’ mentality that is hard to avoid. It’s a shame that they dropped the ball on USFIV,

I have no fucking clue. Killer Instinct was never good, why can’t we just let bad things die?

Oh... You were talking about teabagging... Well, then... Carry on.

Came to make the same joke. We’re awful.


How long did it take for your soul to be crushed (the first time) after getting your first test job?

How long did it take for you to stop telling people that you test video games and resort to just telling them you test software - because you were sick of them thinking it was an easy or ‘super cool’ job? Or are you one