
Weak. I almost stopped playing NFS:Rivals when I couldn’t find the option to play offline. Every single time I’ve been online in that game, I’ve been placed in an environment with some of the most annoying people on PSN.

Fortunately, I found the option to play offline and have continued to enjoy the game. A forced

Yeah, I don’t quite understand that level of excitement or passion for Cosplay... But just because I don’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s not impressive or not worthwhile. More power to ‘em.

Personally, I’m all about simple, but effective cosplaying... but that’s just me.

Let’s look back at what I said:

“...when so few of the games on new-gen consoles actually does anything that couldn’t be done last gen”

Implying that there are *some* (or ‘so few’) games that couldn’t have been done properly last gen.

Indeed. I was mostly commenting on the fact that very few of the games that have been released on PS4/Xbox ONE actually do anything that couldn’t have - at the very least - been mimicked fairly well on last-gen consoles.

The only draw to upgrading at this point is to buy all the games that publishers are refusing to

Well, sadly, there’s no reason to have them fizzle out when so few of the games on new-gen consoles actually does anything that couldn’t be done last gen. Why not cater to them as well? Not to mention that some countries (like Brazil and other South American countries) don’t adopt or migrate to the new consoles until

Not if they do what a lot of small mobile developers do - and rip off themselves and simply release reskin after reskin of their own creations...

But really, beyond the spectacularly bad f2p models and obnoxious upsells for microtransactions - the worst thing about Mobile gaming is having to seek out the *good* ones.

Alien: Isolation - Feel the dread.

Jesus. It was a silly comment. Who gives a shit. You’re getting way to emotional over it. I don’t know what about my other comment (describing the Snacktaku features I *DO* like) makes you say I’m just a hater for hating’s sake. I’m guessing you write off a lot of people by convincing yourself that they’re trolls. It

Fair enough. I suppose I’m just more into the Snacktaku articles when A) they’re infrequent and B) they’re testing a weird - usually international - junk food/snack.

Trying different kinds of Oreos and Doritos that are readily available here - while nice that I can go pick them up if I want - just feel more like ads

Well, there are always white knights like you to come around to defend the poor, oppressed staff of Kotaku.

It was a silly comment simply because he’s been doing more of these than usual. Get over it. Or, you know, feel free to elevate yourself above me to feel superior because your fragile self couldn’t handle a

So, have you just given up on gaming and dedicated your professional life to eating junk food no one had any interest in eating?

Better keep trying them - especially if you think they’re among the ‘worst designed games’ ever.

Bill Paxton as infamous game industry gadfly Jack Thompson.

I know I’m a horrible person (so you don’t have to comment to let me know), but whenever I see these teams of Professional Gamers posing with huge smiles, I just have a mocking Liz Lemon-esque voice that says “Yeah, we lead fulfilling lives.” running through my head.

Probably inspired by her “I’m going to run around in

Wait. Fucking MADDOX is in this game?! Must buy.

NDAs cover telling your friends too. He shouldn’t have shared with this friend. And to put trust into SnapChat as some kind of security measure is ridiculous.

I need my Oprah! (She over comes everything)

Yeah, as a mega-MGS fan I’m going to *have* to play it. However, I’m not someone who has to play it right away. Despite my distaste for it generally, I will be seeking out a USED physical copy. It’s really sad that I’m more willing to give Gamestop money over Konami.

Overall, meh. A couple of okay ones.

I was really expecting more now that the DJ Hero folks are handling it. Doesn’t really matter though, it was always a given that Harmonix’ selections would be preferred.

Harmonix selections give me what I didn’t know I wanted. Activision’s Guitar Hero gives me the hits everyone

I like how Kotaku - among other places - have recently shared and seemingly endorsed Op-Eds from developers that call for a more reasoned, less emotional response to how they are critical toward a game... That players should be considerate of all the trials they have to go through during production - and how - no