
Of course she’s getting sympathy.  She’s a white woman.  He’s not white, hence he deserves the scorn.  /s

Hmmph... sound like his ‘seed’ went down ‘somebodys’ throat in Miami, IJS!

Be careful out there people. Flu, and pneumonia are back stronger. Get rest, wear a mask in big groups and stay healthy and don’t spread it - especially to kids.

Okay, full disclosure: I work in the industry as a film producer and the word on the street is that Avatar 2 is going bomb hard. Like bomb so badly, James Cameron will be lucky to get a job directing the porn version of Avatar 2 next.

At the grocery store I worked at 20 years ago we occasionally got complaints that condoms were just available on the regular shelf instead of locked away somewhere. Imagine a world where anyone can just go into a store, buy condoms, and have sex almost immediately afterward without anyone else knowing or judging them.

Totally! I was at a Target recently, and there’s a whole line of sex toys that they sell along with the usual sexual health and safe sex stuff. Not locked up or anything, either.

Almost like sex is a totally normal thing that humans love doing!

If that’s the case, then I’m in the same boat as your husband, only with hot wings!! :p

I think what “ruined the family” was the insistence on using medical science to bring six more babies into the world when they already had two. THEN televising it. I don’t know if Kate was always a monster or the pressures of life in that family + fame did it, but institutionalizing a kid with ADHD for years (and then

But why let facts get in the way of your stupidity?

Man said, “Your honor I need the ex I cheated on and left in her moment of need to fund the new family I created while we were married.”

I fear my husband every time he eats Panda Express and runs to the bathroom ten hours later.

Or maybe it’s not 1941 anymore, and everyone but you figured out that signing up for war in the 21st century means a bunch of defense contractors get richer and that’s it. You’ll notice wealthy kids like the Trumps or the Kennedys don’t go to war. I guess you missed the lessons of the last few wars.

Michelle spoke a lot of truths. Folk need to listen in stead of ‘shooting’ the messenger. I understand all of her points. we should not glamorize courtships. People change, be ready for it. Work to make your marriage/relationship successful, it is not a fairy tale, it is real life.

Well, “infiltrated” sounds better than “was invited to join, because he just felt like one of us, you know?

“It is shocking and sad to the entire law enforcement community that such an evil and wicked person could infiltrate law enforcement while concealing his true identity as a computer predator and murderer,” said Washington County Sheriff Blake Andis.

Why do they keep using that word? “Infiltrate...?” I keep reading stories about law enforcement officers being law enforcement officers, and - in the aftermath - the term “infiltrate” keeps coming up. Infiltrated by spousal batterers. Infiltrated by white supremacists. Infiltrated by bad apples... Is it possible they

Sure there’s a teenage girl in the process of being abducted who needs immediate assistance, but there’s also this building on fire. Of course, that isn’t our job because we aren’t the fire department... Well, I guess that girl’s just gonna have to be raped. We have property to defend.” And then they jumped straight

The majority of underage workers don’t even have pimps. Or the “pimp” is just another kid in a similar shitty situation and they’re technically pimping each other. Still sucks, but still drastically better than living in a home where they are routinely subjected to all kinds of abuse.

Matt Gatez is probably in charge of this agency.

I like this reading. I actually would love to have a couple whole episodes dedicated to Mon’s family life and the relationships therein. (What I really mean is, please let Tony Gilroy do lots of stuff.)