
Sandra has her appointment to see her psychiatrist in the city as well when their Tyler goes to see his. Good for her because she’s plotting to leave Ted’s cheating ass and get a place in the city with her kids. Jessica’s a good time girl Ted thinks that he’s going to fall into clover if Sandra leaves him but what he

Twitter was lit when Sleepy Hollow got cancelled.  Black women were celebrating

These are two grown ass adults. They need to go to therapy and work on themselves and those kids need to be in therapy as well. Honestly I hope that the kids get someone to talk to as they go through this because they don’t deserve to go through this. This was a very messy public split and it should not have happened

He was already in Werewolf by Night and I quite liked Ted.  

Now playing

Andor: Luthen Rael escapes Star Destroyer. This man is a stone cold killer and I want that lightsaber ship right now.

This is going to kill alot of people that can get pregnant. Take heart white women with pregnancy already killing black women at a rate of 3x that of white women even more black women have to potential to die of/during pregnancy

Harry go this family out of England because the threats against them were real and concerning. Andrew is just getting his taxpayer funded security pulled after not being a working Royal since 2019

I have uterine fibroids. I get heavy, clotting periods. I have had two miscarriages they resulted in what appeared to be heavy, clotting periods. The only difference is I got confirmation of my pregnancies before I miscarried. If I hadn’t got confirmation I would have just thought I had a late period. If I can’t tell

Nobody owes Ice Cube a job. Refusing to get vaccinated for a hella contagious virus is a choice with consequences. I think it’s fine for him to not be vaccinated it’s not like COVID isn’t still around and can still absolutely kill the unvaccinated

Mixing sea water with electronics would probably call for a retrofit, they have to take the wet stuff out make sure that other stuff didn’t get wet then replace it and that place is how big?  A few months getting stuff together seems pretty good timing wise.  

I am worried the Empire will get their hands on Luthen. I like the guy layers like an onion and I am guessing he was one dangerous man back when. He’s older now but he’s still slippery and I can appreciate that because he feels to me like Dr. Lecter in Hannibal he’s hiding in plain sight genteel, well dressed,

What I read in the dinner scene was that Mon’s daughter is reading the distance between her parents and seeing her mother’s closeness with Tay as mom’s having an affair with her ex boyfriend. Mom’s got a job that she values highly and is always “busy”, dad’s the “fun” parent that lets her do whatever she wants. She

I hope she doesn’t find out because Mon’s not on the radical side of the Rebellion yet. There are so many fractions and as we saw in the interactions between Saw and Luthen there are fractions that will do what needs to be done to continue the work that they started.  If she wants an answer I hope she asks her mother

It’s always the one you least suspect. I hope for her daughter’s sake she is also thinking her mom’s having an affair because while I greatly dislike Mon’s husband and wouldn’t cry if he dies I kind of like her daughter. Her daughter is young and should have space to grow and change her mind if she isn’t against the

Mon’s husband is giving me anxiety. If he suspects that Mon might be having an affair and goes into a jealous strop over it he might find out things that he really doesn’t need to know about and Mon might have to have him killed over that. I hope she insures him to the hilt before she does that though because she

The execs fucked up Justice League so that they could get their bonuses. Justice League. Every top tier player in the DCU Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman and complete fizzle at the box office.  

I think Werewolf by Night was amazing.  I watched it twice in a row because there were things that I missed in the first go round and it’s perfect for spooky season.  

I’m guessing she voted like she was pro-life until it was her life on the line. It’s sad that voting white women voted Republican consistently more than voting black women. There are still Regan judges on benches all over this country. Just remember over 90+% of voting black women voted for the qualified woman in 2016.

Cinta went outside. I don’t think it would be difficult for her to hop in a craft and leave the planet or go find other clothes and leave with the Aldani people to go book a flight off planet when she goes back to town. The planet isn’t under lockdown so there are ways for her to leave and there must have been a

That money is important. That money will pay for arms, pay people to help with the fight, pay bribes for access, pay bribes to the right people, help move people, and things into places where they need to be.  That money was the first step in proving that the rebellion could be successful.