
I am not a registered Democrat.  I decided that I really didn’t want a party affiliation because honestly I really can’t with either party, however as a black woman I donate to Democratic candidates and vote Democrat every single time.  I haven’t been wrong to do so because most Republican candidates have turned out

Peter should have had S.H.I.E.L.D. handle this. Honestly the guy just wanted to enjoy his summer in Europe with the girl he liked and Nick Fury (the Skrull Nick Fury but he didn’t know that) popped in and ruined his trip. He should have dropped this entire mess into S.H.I.E.L.D.’s lap to deal with the fallout from

Go get vaccinated to be petty people.  Let this kill white people.  Be petty live to dance on the graves of unwashed, unvaccinated white folks.  

The Firm closed ranks to protect Andrew and left Meghan to the wolves.  They need to keep up that energy for Andrew now.  

This is why the Republicans have been concentrating on the court system here in this here USA.  They get to say what is legal and what’s not.  Take this to court and a Republican judge can say: This is sure legal, take this to the Supreme Court, they’ll uphold it.  

It can feel like the whole of outside is sticking to your body when it’s hot in the city. There are days when it’s a three shower day because it is hot and outside is stifling and you're in the city.

I grew up in Trinidad and literally played in the dirt and I still have allergies.  

I could not take God out my thoughts and get into bed smelling like human.  When I was growing up my family lived in Trinidad and we didn't have a washing machine my mom washed sheets by hand in a concrete sink.  We were washed any time my mother felt like we were too sticky (little children get sticky, we ate

His wife is a stronger woman than I. Three days labor? That’s alot, bless her she was strong to make it through that.  

I respect his woman’s gangster, what he wasn’t fixing to do is drive all around town in her Mercedes that she bought.  

Her son’s a kid. Many kids are irresponsible. So what she needs to do is buy him a cheap phone so if he loses it or misplaces it, it’s not a huge tragedy. Don’t spend $1000+ on the latest i-phone, get that kid a cheap android because he’s not paying any bills and he is irresponsible anyway.  

Then sue and take that money.  Make sure they can’t profit off their shitty actions.  

Back when I worked in retail a coworker got knocked out because a customer got angry because she was getting items (shoes) from the back and she got the wrong size by mistake.  

The Windsoring of William is well on it’s way but he had further to fall. He was rather cute as a child and grow up to be a handsome young man. But the clouds of those Windsor genes started blowing in when he went into his 30's and he’s gargoyling up at a clip. Harry was a rather unfortunate looking child he grew up

Now playing

Sharing a dance on social media is part of the social aspect of social media it’s meant to be shared. What should be respected are the origins of the dance. I don’t run around claiming to have made up “The Zombie Stomp,” and if you are copying a dance that’s fine what’s not fine is to take someone’s work and claim it

Except that in the article it states that black creators make up the dances and white colonizers sweep in and steal their work to gain popularity and fame. White people have nobody to steal dances from therefore white people have to find a way to Riverdance to Thot Shit.  

Candace Owens prioritizes whiteness above all other things.  She’s a self hating black woman and who she rolls with tells me everything about her.  She would never put the needs and concerns of black people above the whiteness that she covets.  

Candace Owens married to a white man and lets white people do her hair. She’s not trying to make good with black people.

My mom’s dad and my dad’s dad knew each other growing up and my mom’s dad was about that life. Young men and getting into trouble he and my dad’s dad went “hunting” out of hunting season and the po po rolled up. My mom’s dad took off running because he knew they were NOT supposed to be there. My dad’s dad sheltered

I am so happy for her.  At 51 she’s still young enough to enjoy her daughter.