
I am West Indian my family is from Trinidad. Throughout the West Indies our histories are stories of competing European nations that fought to steal our land (I am Native from both my mom’s and dad’s side), take the benefits of our soil sugar, cocoa, rum, whatever else they could monetize from the labors of the

I live in New York, Broadway is just a train ride away but I couldn’t get tickets to Hamilton. I finally got to see The Lion King on Broadway a few years ago because like tickets to Hamilton those tickets were expensive and difficult to get hold of because the show is quite popular.  I got to enjoy Hamilton in my

He stays looking ashy.  If loving the white man means giving up my lotions they can stay all the way over there.

The royal family left Harry and Meghan to look after themselves while they made sure to run inference for Prince Andrew who is still not answering any questions about his relationship with the late Jeff Epstein who was a credibly accused trafficker of children.  Prince Andrew has himself been credibly accused of

The last confederate widow died this year.  Year of our Lord 2020.  Slavery is not that far behind us.

At 31 you still have lots of time to find someone and have a baby. If you don’t find anyone (give yourself another ten years or so) then you can have a baby by yourself, get a donor and go for it.  I am in the process right now and I don’t regret it because I know I can do it plus after seeing my sister’s terrible

When I travel I actually like to stay in the residence type places that have a washing machine in the room. My family went to the Caribbean and stayed in a resort place with a washing machine in every house. We will be going back there because the ladies came and cleaned and did the laundry and were really nice.

I remember why I don’t like to stay at hotels now.  

I watched this video and I was so ready for a Black Panther. I saw the movie in the theaters three times.  I loved how black this video was because it prepared us for the unapologetic blackness of Black Panther.  I was ready.

I started watching Hannibal on Netflix and I love the visuals. They are stunning, trippy, and absolutely fantastic.  I am slowly enjoying the first season.  Some of the visuals remind me of season 1 of American Gods.

I am in New York and while Cuomo is not my favorite person and he made mistakes when this whole thing started he did the right thing and shut it all down.  Our COVID-19 rates are way down and people are wearing masks when they are out.

There is a local place close to where I live they use the real stuff.  The pancakes are excellent but if you want to eat there on the weekends you have to get there prepared to wait.

When I discovered maple syrup I was delivered.  I have never bought that crap after.  When I used to go to IHOP (I stopped going there since the corporate owners are Trump supporters) I would take a small bottle of real maple syrup.

They won’t be able to howl anything while on a vent because red states have COVID-19 cases going through the roof.

My grandmother was the daughter of a married man that could not acknowledge her. This was traumatic to her, she never managed to have a relationship that was healthy. She always found the same (poor personality) in her partners my grandfather included. My father met his grandfather and was introduced as a stranger

I went to college that was heavily into the arts. Every morning I would walk into the building and there would be a Russian lady with her stick and chants of plié, plié.  Dancers are dedicated people.  

This is some painful stuff here. We laugh because if we start crying when will we stop. I can’t imagine it, they were free, not enslaved anymore and for two entire years extra they were enslaved because Texas was so very far away.

As I said I went to school in a “good” school district (high taxes so money for school stuff) so the ESL kids actually had their own classes.

Honestly this woman needs help.  The hair, the clothes, the makeup she needs to find people, good people because unless Oklahoma is in far more of a time warp than New York she is decades out of style.  Her makeup alone is horrendous.

It’s up to us to save us.  Black people need to vote like our lives depends on it because it does.