
I went to a school in a “good” school district in Long Island so I was taught critical thinking skills in class. However, I was usually in Honors\ AP so I don’t know if that ever happened in regular class (it was always lovely to be one of the two black kids in class usually another immigrant girl).

I don’t indulge in poor shaming. People get money for holidays, their birthday, graduation etc. My sister babysat for a sneaker head kid who asked for money for the holidays and his birthday so he could buy sneakers it’s nobody’s business what people spend money on as long as they’re not hurting anyone.  Big banks

I thought the video was amazing.  However, since Tupac was just out of prison on a charge of rape it really was conflicting emotionally for me.

This virus is killing men at a clip.  It is terrible.

Maybe the Super Bowl? Or the Halftime Show?  I usually catch the commercials online because that’s the one thing that I really like I am not a sports person and the one year that I cared I was rooting for the Seahawks because I hated the commentary about Manning and Denver like they would walk onto the field and be

Thanks to Ronald Regan there is no help for people with mental illness.  

My family is from Trinidad we have a saying: When thief see man with bag. When you’re a thief you only see thieves. How did white people get everything that they have. They stole, raped and committed genocide to get everything they have no reason to expect different from other people after all.

My younger cousin was terrified of Thriller. It may have been rebroadcast for Halloween or something and I remember him hiding behind the couch when it was on.  To this day he still says he remembers it was so scary to him.  I don’t remember the first broadcast of Thriller but it’s a touchstone.  I do remember the

Look nobody should try to kill with a forklift.  But there’s a song and it’s catchy.  

Think of it this way if they are dead/on a ventilator they can’t vote in November.  That’s a risk I am willing to have them take.

I have been putting on makeup for my weekly WebEx meetings because I have to find some reason to beat my face I have nowhere else to be.

Genetics are so weird. My grandmother has four living children all of her kids took from her husband’s side. My mom looks more like her dad’s sister than her own mom.

Exactly one of my aunts more closely resembles one of her cousins than any of her siblings it’s so weird that they look more like siblings than any of their actual siblings they have the same smile, nose and face shape.

Suppressing the voting rights of people of color especially African Americans has been a priority for Republicans since they became the party of racism when Lyndon Johnson got the Civil Rights Act passed.  

He’s the type that has got his so fuck everybody else. Also see Jews in Israel that treat Palestinians like they’re not people.

MTV needs to rebrand. They are always running ads for Jersey Shore and Jersey Shore related spin offs. The last thing I watched on MTV was Cheaters. They are a reality show channel now they can find some way to make that work for them.

As a fellow librarian I echo your sentiments and I have to add every book from his imprint has been excellent.  I never have to sell them, kids see Rick Riordan and it’s an automatic yes.  I just read the amazing Paola Santiago and the River of Tears ARC and I cannot wait to share it with my kids.

If Americans listened to actual Jewish Jesus then we would be much better off since Jewish Jesus was about actually loving your neighbor, taking care of the sick, poor, widowed and was not about hypocrites in any matter, shape or form. White Evangelicals and Republicans made up supply side Jesus to worship who does

Some people do not deserve to have competent help. Megs is one such person she is a conservative woman and they have no taste/poor taste and cannot make good fashion choices. She can’t get a decent stylist because she doesn’t deserve it look at Kellyann Conway, Ivanka, and Mel they all are always poorly styled and

The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago is a doctor (a geologist) but a man with quality education. There were several hundred cases and eight deaths to COVID.  The country is still closed to people coming in from outside but they are opening slowly internally.  When leadership is well educated and willing to