Inya Face

Holy shit, it is. I thought you were joking, but it’s totally an acrostic. I guess that’s what happens when you get a bunch of arts majors to write a resignation letter.

You’re not wrong but you are way overreacting. Be mad at your husband. Not the dog or the owner. In what world would a guest be expected to keep their dog leashed the entire stay? Plus you guys have a dog so you’d think the house would be dog friendly.

it doesn’t matter how long i look at it, i have no idea which one is kendall. I WIN.

The fact that no one booked hotel rooms is AMAZING to me. Like what a perfect representation of how awful this government is.

NOT OKAY. Seriously I cannot with people that do this, it is so unbelievably rude and vile.

From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.

Shortly after the video made its way onto the internet last Friday, the club confirmed that all four players had been released


I don’t want to sound like an internet asshole, but I’m surprised Britney is still a thing. She was never a Whitney or a Beyonce. She can dance and she’s a decent performer, but there are a lot of very talented women in pop music today who can actually sing and dance their asses off.

Yeah, because I’m sure she did that deliberately, screaming with glee and laughing maniacally as she picked her target and fucking floored it, man!

What has space ever done to you?

I really hope Annie makes it. Sweet dreams are made of this!

Nonsense! she voted no, didn’t she, so her viewpoint clearly is the exact same it’s always been. Please don’t be so naive, the only reason she FINALLY didn’t block the vote was because Martin Schulz made it a campaign issue for the SPD. She panicked, simple as that. It is truly insulting to the parties that DID fight

Just “Ehe” works. Punkt.

I’ve always disliked “Homo-Ehe” so much because I find it sounds derogatory. But I guess it’s much better than “gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe” or something because it’s shorter.

If I see another vegan smoothie bowl, I may scream.

I just can’t do it. When they put their hands into the food and then lick their fingers or run around touching everything and everyone... *shudders*

yes! if i’m at a friends and they put out a bowl of chips or something i’ll snack UNTIL their kids get in there. then....i’m done!

I can’t deal with sticky kid hands. Just thinking about it grosses me out and I regret watching this video.

I feel like this whole thing would have been cooler if Macron hadn’t said anything, if he just acted like “what? big deal we just shook hands whatevs”