Inya Face

35. Beetle, Volkswagen

Lasagna and a full bottle of wine

I didn't know there are still Beliebers out there.


Hm... I love toast with butter, honey - and garlic. Heaven!

Novice. You don't add just sugar to tomato sauce, you add jam. Preferably strawberry jam, because strawberries go really well with basil.

Is this teacher a member of Peta, by any chance?

My first reaction: Third Reich.

Those arms o_O

Nope. Religion is always a dealbreaker. Even if it's just sex.

This is just my personal experience, so please don't take it personally:

I miss that show :(

Oh God.

This is all I have to contribute:

I don't remember any children's book I read/was read to, but I have a favourite. One I discovered two years ago, when I saw the stage adaption. It's even been translated into English: Duck, Death and the Tulip by Wolf Erlbruch. It is a really sweet way to teach kids about death. The end is very touching, it never


Went into a supermarket last week. There were rows and rows of Lebkuchen. I left without buying anything.

May I recommend My Name is Earl, season 1, episode 4: Faked my own death.

"Kendall Jenner could literally care less about social change"

I didn't notice it at all until you pointed it out! Now I can't unsee it.