
I doubt it. I don’t see this making any more impact than the ‘Lets not buy gas for a day strike.’ I think cornering our representatives and giving no quarter to make them do their jobs is the better way to go. No online signatures, no emails, no bitching online, but find these people’s offices, phone numbers and

WHO ARE YOU??? My parents had a child in secret and are communicating with them! Wait, let’s talk! I always wanted a sibling!

That means Trump and all cabinet appointees had to grab her pussy without her consent, which she probably usually gives...

And I want them to make out, Alec/Trump pulls back almost out of character, and says “wait, I thought you were gay!” to which Bannon/Rosie replies “I am, but this works because you are my BITCH!!!”

I wish I could forget the horrible one right now in the office setting, that fucking song must have been created by Bannon. Only time I slapped my daughter is the other night when she couldn’t quit humming it. It was for her own good, dear God...

Go to Hell with your star.

Ooohhhh, they are bringing back the “Everyone can have one” early 80s...

As a journalist, I sort of agree, I think the news needs to get the facts in a solid row before barfing it out to the public. Watergate slammed down because of the facts presented, not because of the first rumor. As much as I want to see Cheet-o drown in a swamp of hooker piss, I want the pictures, receipts, and paper

The monster is whoever did the lousy plastic surgery job on Nicole...can she look anymore pinched?

You are mistaken sir, that is the three tit hooker from Total Recall...

Tell that to Gwenneth Paltrow, She scrubs everyday, and now so do I! I am the spitting image of my grandfather, and I look decades younger than his pics at my age.

I am keeping you on speed Kinja check...:-)

Except when they lie, as I experienced in my most recent job. 1. I was told it was an expansion, but it was, in fact, covering for a mass exodus that was happening that wasn’t revealed yet. 2. Look at 1. 3. No, the team doesn’t communicate at all, something I never experienced before. when I talked to them and met

All the stars.

Pretty sure Chris Christie let out a fart of pure sadness and resignation and the birds flew into it.

Pretty sure he’s older than Satan...

Really? That bothers you? How about a Death Star that wastes time building a super laser. Just have it hyperjump into the planetary atmosphere of a planet and let its mass and protective shield atomize any civilization on it—-but leave the planetary mass intact for terraforming, and maintaining the balance of

But then we might lose Michonne...

Michelle Yeoh would have killed it. ‘Course, she set the path for the character in ‘Crouching...’

That makes no sense. She is an ACTOR, and all good actors reach out to get in the mindset of those whose worlds they must reside and act in. In this case, she recognized a situation she was involved in and wanted proper perspective. That shows she has compassion. I am white, and can only guess the perspective of such