
I live in a first world country (for now) so I shower twice a day. But man, when I lived in Mongolia for three months in 2015, I literally had a month between shower/baths, the only body of water where I was was sacred, and you couldn’t use it for bathing. That took getting used to.

If you slather olive oil on the meat before freezing it though, wouldn’t that help keep that moisture in, since oil is heavier than water, and therefore ‘plugging’ the meat in? I brush on olive oil before I freeze, and it seems to work...

Well, Rosita ended the episode two episodes ago with the the turning point start, but in the comics, Negan DIDN’T gather all the guns to make this monumental.

Oh God, no, why did you say that. Now cousin Oliver will appear at the Savior Sanctuary...

I think the writing is dragging. Perhaps Walking Dead needs to borrow from Game of Thrones and instead of always focusing on the Carol arc, the Daryl arc, the Alexandria arc, or whatever, they condense the narrative, and do every arc every episode for snippets every 5-7 minutes. I hate spending three to four weeks not

Who wants to place bets he arranged the robbery of his wife...just because he’s loony toonz...

Really? The Bills have fans?

Hey, don’t forget to share the love of her in Time Bandits! Heart is breaking.

Sorry, but he’s moron. Brilliant surgeon maybe, and that is fine, but everything else he says and does is moronic. I used to edit scientific journals for publication, and believe me, reading the raw research typed down by many ‘geniuses’ would make you cry at how clueless they are to transmitting in simple english, or

Wrong. NYC is blue, the rest of the state voted red...

The reef died two weeks ago. He is looking for a new one to visit...sorry.

be careful though, I covered a professional mermaid this summer in Syracuse swimming in a recently unlisted swimming toxin hazard for an event—-and I wasn’t aware that the lake had been previously classified so dangerous. My feet are going to glow in a few months...

Well seriously, how can Trump shake her? She had to deal with the public stage when her husband banged chicks left and right, especially a young intern that he fucked with a cigar and swallowed partially as told to a congressional hearing. After THAT, what an a Cheet-O really do or say?

GOP implodes....excellent...

And thank you reality TV. I love the irony that ‘reality TV has warped our perspective so much, that your 40% and 40% is why it can be called out.

Because Billy has always been a douche, and always managed to stay away from anything pinning him down until now. My wife went into convulsions daily when the Today show came on since he started because she loathes him, you can’t believe the happy dance she had today when she heard the news. She thought it was

It just shows what a cad he is. For me, I respected women, but had my engagement of ‘locker room talk’ up until the day I was married, and then it stopped. And when I had a daughter? I fell into a pit of mortal fear of the men who would cast a gaze at her and say the same things. I believe in Karma too much to feed

Sadly, I bet in 20 years, or less, men comedically wearing women’s close and vice-versa will go the way of doing black-face...

trust me, it really is. Read my comment below...the place is too for real

It is very white. The ‘black’ neighborhoods were getting gentrified when we moved there in 2007, and the G word was all the rage as a result. Hang out on MLK BLVD, you get some black people, but go east or west, nada.