
kind of a boring statement

i don't think drug addiction in hollywood is hidden

OK I have been reading Jezebel for 8+ years and am making this my first comment ever because this article is kind of misleading. My boyfriend was (is?) a Wesleyan DKE so I do have more of an insider's perspective. I just want to set the record straight.

Maybe you shouldn't have gone to such a crappy law school.

actually i have a right to the attention of every dog

Yeah well I doubt God created you to jump over fences for a living, but here you are.

I mean, if you wanna have custody, then you might have to cut back on your hours. It seems sensible for them to share custody so they can continue promoting some nights and stay in with their child others.

True, but methinks Azealia is terribly insecure and has a complete lack of impulse control. Not that that excuses her behavior, but rather she needs a LOT of therapy and perhaps medication. Or at least to smoke some weed, like Erykah.

Banks needs to shut her mouth. Badu even was gonna take the heat on it by saying she didn't get it due to age. That's not shade. Saying something isn't your scene doesn't mean you're trashing it.


I got through two gallons of milk a week. It's delicious and nothing goes better with desserts in general. And don't come at me with that nut/soy milk nonsense. Fucking pretenders to the throne all, they need to be banished to the outer realms to go hang with other frauds like Tofurkey.

Counterpoint: There is no better snack food than chocolate milk.

I love milk. I've never had cramps, bloating or the shits from it. Have drunk skim or one percent from childhood. And I don't drink coffee, tea or alcohol so FUCK THE HATERS.

Counterpoint: Milk is delicious.

Because she's a smug insipid insufferable know-it-all who doesn't actually know anything, thanks upper class white privilege?

I hate LD so much and I don't know why. Someone help me out here. It's starting to freak me out.

not 40,000. Just as so long as it's the truth and not race baiting shit that translates to attacks on whites which are racially motivated, brutal and not uncommon.

I absolutely LOVE Amy Schumer and there were bits that looked really funny but this trailer wasn't very exciting.

Yeah, I don't really see why this an issue. Americans with even a minimal understanding of history know that whites were solely responsible for lynching blacks.

As you alluded to, isn't it obvious? If I say to you that it is raining, I don't need to say "from the sky." It's implied, and is "duh" territory. You wouldn't say I failed to tell the "whole story" about where the rain came from.