
whoever told me this was a good site lied through their fucking teeth

It's pronounced fucking asshole

I don't blame the guy one bit for his standoff with the media. Sports reporters are fucking morons.

It's not his fault your vagina is the size of Nebraska? /s

I'm sure he bearly felt it.

I was really hoping she was going to be 80. 50, merh.

In today's hypersensitive sjw world, I think talking about 'race' is ultimately a terrible, terrible thing.

I am a massive internet embarrassment

1st half, deflated footballs: 1 TD, 1 INT

But he has some white-ass teeth.

I'm going to have to disagree, if it's considered creepy on one side it is creepy both ways.

I'm not exactly sure what the historical treatment of women has to do with anything

Page 3 boobies have been part of The Sun for over 40 years, it quite literally defines the identity of the paper. Without tits The Sun is almost entirely worthless as an actual newspaper or any kind of reading material for that matter.

stop playing the victim. you act like women's magazines (and this site) don't sexualize men.

the entire history of western civilization (for that matter almost all historical civilizations) was a history of patriarchy. You can't expect that to just go away in a day. I mean it'd be nice, I guess, if that entire history, structure and mentality disappeared, but it'd also be nice if I didn't have to go to work

Who cares? If you don't like the magazine then don't read it.

The Patriots get caught cheating and Deadspin writes 20 articles about how awful everyone else is.

Not sure what the point of this article is. America has a racist past? No way.

The map may of been bigger but there were less locations. I missed going to San Fierro and Las Venturas.