Invisible Circus

Sinister just seems like the second or third season of American Horror Story...


this. always.

I got Harry Potter for Christmas and all I said was "wow..." I'm afraid to open it....

weird feeling but I don't think gays were planning on voting for him anyway

these. people. effing. near. destroyed. NYCC for me this year.

its funny, they cant sell the house on the show courtesy of the ghost problem, what are the odds they won't be able to sell the house because of the reputation it has on a fictional show?

I respect a man who can wear a furry hoodie.

good googamooga your terrorizers are adorable!

it was always Fumbles...

if you feel there might be some potential rekindling, tread carefully because if she's someone you value as a friend, you don't want to get signals mixed where the entire opportunity is lost. Spend time together, hang out, meet other people and see where it goes.

thank you isn't enough for that video. I have to show it to everyone I know.

have you been reading my journals and or emotive poetry?!

OH MAN!! IM watching Clueless and it just reminds me that I've always found Paul Rudd to be dreamboat.

shut up Kennan. Just. Shut up.

Well. Who didn't see Alec Baldwin showing up? With a douchestache. I'm holding my breath for a Justin Timberlake sighting and we may just have a decent SNL

and huffing gas fumes...

There needs to be an SNL digital short staring the Japanese otaku kids.

great. now kids will demand more brehbrebre with their enjoyment of Battleship the board game.