Invisible Circus

20 pack a day Batman voice parody never gets tiresome

it keeps him sane but he is subject to multiple LUUUUKE I AMMM YOOUUR FAAATHHHERRR jokes from his father (who is incidentally asthmatic.)

An old college acquaintance named their oldest son Lucas Atreyu.

oh. goodness. I adore you now because I sang it out just like Homer.

Love Florence but this is just a shitty video.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now that's stuck in my head.

OH yeah. That's someone you can trust...

suddenly I feel the need to change my route to work...

only made it 9 seconds....

I bow before our new overlords.

this. is. most. spectacular.

I was transfixed on the girl during Juan Yuan's song...with the spiked hair...

if the only way to get more lady friendly porn is to make that scenario real, I think we may have just saved the industry...

Its like he does this weird rambling coo thing and It takes me out of it, borderline, "Okay you know what, we're done here"

but that outfit and scenario is the PERFECT porn plot!

the baby talk kinda gets on my nerves, but I see him doing great things....bwahaha

I'm curious about how Jezzies find their favorite male performers. I had a lengthy (pun!) discussion with my bestie about James Deen (flame suit on) I don't find him appealing and she does. I have stumbled around the internets finding different male actors, some gay, gay for pay etc, and checking out their movies all

THANK YOU FOR THIS! Every time I hear someone complain I blurt that out and am stared out.

the might end up spawning though...

I know. What's not mentioned is if the doctor side-eyed Dick Grayson.