Invisible Swordsman

Nope, just get Trump to build a wall, a great wall, a wall that will keep the water out. It would be a beautiful wall and if the ocean pisses him off, he will add another 10 feet.

Kluwe: /cums

Hi Princess Superstar! I’m sorry you chose not to respond to my email requesting comment but happy to see you here!

How about driving a really slow plane and dropping bricks on ppl below while shooting other planes with your revolver?

OKAY SO I texted my mom who is a doctor about this issue.

Really? And say what? there’s a dude by the name of JoeDaddy505 committing abuse. I don’t know where he lives but go find him?

Real life isn’t like tv where we can just zoom and enhance our way to solving mysterious

The only thing you got right for Hillary was #10.

FEEL CHEATED??? they were contractors. like a TEMP agency sends you to a job for a week, you don’t usually get all invested in the culture.

Ehh..I was just suggesting a temporary technical option if you want a break from bullshit for a little while (hopefully it blows over). It’s not a solution to the aggressive environment we live in, but at least you can get some reprieve if you want it without deleting your account.

I love it when someone is trying to tell about their horrors of employment and all they got is, “I wasn’t treated really well.” Oh, no, did you guys really have to work in a conference room?!?! How did you survive that? They treated you like just another worker and not the precious individual that you are? Yeah,

Yeah, speaking positively about responsible recreational firearm use after training and under supervision do not a gun nut make.

But at least they are not bankrupt like Gawker.

D’Angelo Russell: [swipes right]

Hey, but this way we got to have a respectful, mature convo in the comments section on a gawker site. A rare and welcome opportunity!

“Political?” People need to stop acting like she’s Nina Simone or Paul Robeson cause she ain’t. She’s part of the establishment and happily supports it. Just cause she indirectly referenced The Panthers doesn’t mean she’s down with the cause.

All of this is just gross. Like, if Jay Z wants to cheat, fine. If Beyoncé wants to write a passive aggressive lyric about that, fine. If Rachel wants to brag about it on Instagram, fine. I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck.

maybe now a correction/retraction without the dang snark would be in order on this piece. And i'd

Reading back at these comments Anna you look incredibly stupid and rather arrogant. Everyone has a right to question a story, hence the reason writers use editorials, to express opinion. Lucky for you Jezebel is a low level "news" agency, and you will essentially face no scrutiny.

Just trolling or...completely right? You owe some people individual apologies, Anna.

I don't know whether the Rolling Stone article is true or not, but I have learned that you, Anna Merlan, are an insufferable douchebag.