
Well you are pretty worthless so I'm sure he isn't super concerned about your opinion.

Because of market saturation?

So did you come looking for this comment specifically? Because this has alllllll been addressed, and better, by other people. At this point, the number of people ignoring the rest of the conversation to come to me and get all defensive is actually doing less for your cause than you think. It makes me think y’all have

That's your experience. And it not universal. It is however some selfish bullshit to act like you are somehow better because of it. Or maybe you are just a lying troll. Trigger warnings don't prevent people from consuming media. But my fiancé got an earful when I got to the third book in a series and the hero rapes a

You mean the gushing article by a shallow person and the “I published this myself” artwork screams nuanced literature to you? You guys are suuuper defensive about these books, which I get, there is a great stigma attached to romance novels, but they look like 80s special edition Harlequins.

Do I support people who rape children? No, no I don’t. I don’t watch Woody Allen or Roman Polanski movies. I don’t support R Kelly who has a looooong history with young girls, hell Aaliyah was what, 15 when they got married. Fuck him. Fuck people excusing shitty behavior because he made a song people liked.

Played some R Kelly to warm up the crowd did he? Maybe next time they can have a Teen Day and invite Subway Jared.

I take your point but I read the Dragonlance books in a lit class so.....;)

In order

Maybe I'm cynical, maybe I'm just so very tired but this whole schtick makes me suspicious. Like the author will turn out to be someone out of left field like.....Julian Assange or something.

On Ferrante’s site, below the Italian stuff, is a book review from Ursula K. Leguin. She liked the first book and felt like the second one ended on a boring/frustrating trope. Between that and those awful covers, I’ll have to pass.

The only romance novelist I have ever enjoyed is Nora Roberts because she gets weird. And her sci fi mystery series is fun. These look painful.

Well they didn’t cover the man baby tantrum over having to cancel their little conferences due to “fears for their safety.” So I wouldn't count on it.

Check if you have good antivirus and are a fast learner with figuring out how to close the ads. Tip-most of them take two tries to disappear.

Yeah, I couldn’t keep track of who is who, and are the parents a single dad and a lesbian couple? Did this person really choose a gender neutral name as a fucking pseudonym (super helpful with the clarity)? Is there any point to this? Four year olds should not be in kindergarten. Four year olds should NOT know,

Aww. For the rest of my life I will always shout “Stay out of it Nick Lachey” any time he appears.

Fun fact- the use of “Fun Fact” actually predates the Internet.

Feel free to use all the fucking profanity you want. And you make an excellent point.

Hah! Every time I hear him sing that word “yellow” I think of urine.

I made it to 1:04. I don't care if the first bit was a joke. Nope. Still terrible.