Iron Man's Pants


Yeah, but which one?

The museum is just a front for anyone looking to hire.

Clearly the work of pirates.

Ninja on Ninja crime is a serious problem in Japan.

Went to Hawaii last year, can confirm. Loved the fact that all convenience stores near my hotel had some form of sushi everyday. I pretty much would go to the store every morning to get some. I’m probably 40% mercury now. 

Is this a Nintendo product or not? Article doesnt make this clear, or mention Nintendo at all other than the reference to Snes mini.

For the record, the reason your extra steps seemed to make things go faster is likely a matter of random chance.

They aren’t a big company. All the factories that produce these things ar ein east Asia. They have to make their production orders waaaay out in advance, because there are only so many electronics factories in the world. A company the size of Analogue has to jockey for production time and materials purchases with the

Can't wait for the "But Raspberry Pis exist!" crowd to shuffle in.

Looks like i’m going to ebay to buy a GBA lol

For Ebay listings that are trying to scalp you remember you are not allowed to sell a presale item if its more than 30 days out. Report these people *Report Item > Listing Practices > Inappropriate Seller Terms > Presale*

Its even in the Ebay policy “Presale listings must clearly state that they are “presale” in the

Yes! And IIRC there was a theme pack similar to the Copland one I had that used BeOS as its template.

7.5.5 :)

I still remember seventh-grade me just saying ‘fuck it’ and installing the copy of System 7 that came bundled with my family’s recently purchased Macintosh LC because I loved how colorful and 3D-like the icons looked. (Big graphics whore from a young age.) And the computer subsequently getting bogged down to a crawl

Here are the Pro varants.

Hideki Naganuma is also composing music for this project. This is pretty close to what I’ve been wishing for for years now!

You forgot to mention Hideki Naganuma, the original composer for Jet Set Radio and one of the main reasons the game is so beloved, is also doing the music for this.

What if I told you people don’t buy LEGO sets to scratch their gaming itch?

These are in America. Spam Musubi is a Hawaiian dish.