Iron Man's Pants

My local Costco has gas pumps...but no gas. They had them installed over a year ago, but they are prohibited from turning them on, as it were, until a nearby intersection gets overhauled because it’s already got too much traffic and people lining up for cheap gas will make it worse.
On top of that, the owner of several

I don’t trust anyone that puts cheese whiz on a sandwich.

Whenever I used to get Costco gas, I would pull in line, and shut the engine off.  Why sit there idling for 10 minutes? 

The attendants are making minimum wage”

Or in the NYC area, unless you want the shit keyed out of your car. 

People just park in the fire lane right in front of the door here

The game is designed to move through the board fast, so the die rolls 2-7.

Replaces the 1?

Man, it’s all screwed up. With traditional dice, opposite sides add up to 7. 2 and 5 are opposite, etc. So, if 7 is on one side here, then 1 should be on the other side. meaning 5 and 3 should be opposites, but they’re clearly not.

May I suggest at least some screening over the exhaust ports?

Maybe Palapatine should schedule a visit, see if he doubles his efforts.

Maybe he plays guitar?

The gender neutral term for Latino is Latino. No actual Latino identifies as Latinx. It’s a made up word by non Latinos. Kinda like how people who are not Native American want to change the name of the Washington Redskins, but actual Native Americans could care less.

Finn : But we bought it at the toy store.


I kinda buy a shitload of video games I barely find time to play, so yea? I’ve spent more for less many times in my adult life. Let people enjoy things.

If you think of it like the person is spending $600 on an art piece they wish to display, it’s not that crazy, and surprisingly affordable.