
There was a cancelled game that was shown in an issue of EGM where you were the boss in a bullet hell game. Would have loved if that came out.

The g13 is old and the thumbstick on it is horrible. The razer one doesn’t even have a thumbstick.

That cover art fucking says PART ONE. WHERE IS THE SECOND PART?!?!?!?!

"Nazi" sleeper cells? Shouldn't it be US sleeper cells? And I thought they would all be for Nazi's, since they turn a blind eye to all those college kids who kidnap gay people and then torture/kill them.

Maybe with their powers combined, they are (as good as maybe) AT&T?

Hey theres a chance this might be true! For instance, my 3ds XL has electrical noise in the headphone port which I can hear if I put the volume to 0. So maybe the SD card has firmware that tells the player to use a low interference path to the headphones if the correct SD card is inserted but otherwise use a horrible

I would think the government already would have approved the student since they need to apply for a student Visa.

Either the movies present the Christmas Carol as a completely different story, or I'm missing something. When did Scrooge sleep for 100 years? What lesson is learned? Where is this supposed to be funny?

Quickly, someone post a picture of the worst interior ever invented that would give you the blues!

Well I also don't want my money going to fund wars, or maybe someone else don't want their money to go to fund teachers because they have nice private schools for millionaires. No one will agree so basically everyone has one tax.

Isn't using public roads, having police protection, and living in the us without paying tax theft of services?

You say in jail they will be sucked into worse criminal activity so it is better than not being in jail. But wouldn't they resort to criminal activity due to the fact that they will be unable to get a job due to being on the sex offender registry? Jail should really not encourage worse criminal activity.

Dragon age 1+2

I'm sure the insurance for this costed a lot. Companies frequently deny Mythbusters coverage from some of their stunts so they end up not doing them.

No, the macbook sd card slot is half length so a full size sd card would stick out halfway. As such, it is not spring loaded and you can just pull it out.

Did Taiwan even have chip factories back then?

You are so wrong. I applaud the gluten free effort for their contribution to the relief of suffering from horrible and limited food choices to celiac disease sufferers. Their generous subsidizing of the gluten-free industry have raised the quality of life for those sufferers and we should continue to encourage their

wow seems you're the fucking idiot as pcie storage is not standard. I just checked it costs $200 more.

Well since he was "trolling" and he got a rise out of you, he still won regardless of if he was trolling or not! Also, since you accuse anyone with a different opinion then you trolling, I wonder who the troll really is.