
But won't the American version get a horrible recut? Are you going to review that one too?

Also, Reagan the Great??!! Are you even sane? He's not THAT great. Almost no president is.

Yes Barack "gutless Wonder" Obungler really shows from his tenure of troop surging in the middle east. Really, anyone who uses these "funny" nicknames are automatically not credible because the only people who uses these are asshole partisan zealots who hates the other side for no reason other than they are the

This is a very similar scenario as that New Zealand slow down PSA. Don't know if that would have helped or not.

Is this a reference to that fake rapper website and videos made to promote the PSP?

1) Wrong. America was not that great in the past. See oil barons, Mccarthyism, bans on unions, Hollywood blacklists, state laws against other languages, religions, races. As bad as Russia is now, it is also not nearly as bad as the Soviet Union and even our own past.

What we need is a special limited "horse" edition of the Mustang! ohwait...

What we need is a special limited "horse" edition of the Mustang! ohwait...

Considering that both her and the male protaganist are both [***** below] , how can they possibly be in persona Q unless this is one of those stupid games with no story?


I would hope it's low because one of the touted benefits of such a repressive regime is that they can have universal surveillance so that any crimes can be easily punished. Why bother with all the anti revolutionary equipment and tactics if they can't even catch common criminals?

OH NO we have to pay more taxes???

I know what this announcement is going to be. Persona 4 Arena ARCADE EDITION. They added new characters some time ago and this seems like a good candidate.

Not only that, but camera? Since this is an optional part of the console, until games are released for it it does not even add to the "full experience." It's quite possible that for the whole ps4 lifecycle no publishers decided to make any good games that require it since it is optional. For xbox it comes with the

If that's true, where is the Xbox remote play hardware? Oh wait there isn't. Including optional hardware to make it more expensive is just stupid. Escpecially since it's optional hardware that the Xbox doesn't even have an equivalent for. Might as well include PC's for media treaming, cable boxes for home theater

Especially since it is free. I can understand if you would want a refund if you paid for it but that is not an issue in this case. Just like things as offensive as KKK website are allowed to stay online, this game should be allowed to stay online even if people disagree with it. (Debating about it is fine also). (Also

Indeed. I was so pissed off when I realized they were never going to translate it to english. Fortunately about a year ago, I discovered a fan translation for my second language. Though it was sort of hard to understand, the game was super awesome!

It seems almost everyone wants to play a dragoon. Maybe it's because of their armor.

I wonder if they would think Jade is ugly too.

You could also list a bunch of stuff that doesnt happen like ethnic cleansing and full scale war and terrorism. And I'm pretty sure we only report on bad things because no one cares about good things (when's the last time you read a report on a good thing happening outside the US? Almost never.)