The Notorious J.O.E.

I've always loved that Eva Green's face is briefly super-imposed over the Queen of Hearts card when the gun cross-hairs hovers over it. Considering no other character (outside of Bond) is referenced in the sequence, the imagery is a subtle way to stress her importance in the film.

She actually choked on a fig, not a diamond (as per what Mr. Greene had stated).

Not to nitpick, but actually she nearly choked on a fig during their sex scene. :)

Truly. She even makes mediocre movies (like the sequels to 300 or Sin City) infinitely better when she's in its scenes. I'm hoping the rumors of trying to get her for the DCEU are true.

Ruta Gedmintas deserves to be in a much better (action) show/movie/franchise. She would have made an interesting Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers (no slight meant to Brie Larson, whom I'm sure will be terrific). I hope Gedmintas gets snapped up by a Netflix/Marvel show (hopefully as Yelena Belova) when this show has its

No, I understand the reasons behind why it may not have occurred.

If she did drop out, it's interesting she would openly rumor-monger herself before even shoot shooting any scenes. Especially since Marvel is so notoriously tight-lipped about these type of details until everything is fully confirmed and shot.

Batman napalmed my arm and knocked me off a building just when I was starting to feel good about myself! I want to play an integral part in his degradation.


To properly convey Namor's Atlantean physique? He'd have to wear stilts.

I didn't get all the brouhaha over Peña's role in "Ant-Man" (it was amusing but not terrific, IMO). But his delivery of "he said…'yes'" in that final run-on story that closed the movie was terrific.

So does anyone know what happened to Sharon Stone's involvement? At one point, she was hinting pretty heavily she was going to be in this…presumably to play Janet. Or does anyone know if she is possibly portraying someone else?

SIDEBAR: So is KINJA a definite go? Have they decided whose going to be ungreyed right away? I'm sad for all the up votes I'm giving up.

They look like they could be Latinx and I think Coulter is hoping some of her supporters will auto-assume that. It's subtle racism (for Coulter, at least) but it's definitely a possibility with her.

I'm outing myself as a full-scale dork for knowing the following, but here goes:

Thank you. As an AA teenager during Generation X' first run -
Synch was the first black male comic book character that I could fully relate to.

Has anyone seen the animated movie where Diana is voiced by Keri Russell? Supporting voices feature Rosario Dawson (Artemis), Virginia Madsen (Hippolyta), Nathan Fillion (Steve Trevor) and Alfred Molina (Ares).

It still kills me that the film-makers failed to get Angela Bassett to play her.

When CLJ was in the Trans-Am, I turned to Mr. Notorious and said he looked like Ron Weasley's methed out cousin.

Good for you. I'm not going to be so forgiving.