The Notorious J.O.E.

And spineless.

Well, that's not quite what happened.

That's cool. But regardless of whether she's used the word or not, she still comes across (to me) as very calculating and false.

The "valonqar" portion of the prophecy is omitted in the TV version. However, Cersei's flashback does end somewhat abruptly, so it's possible it could be used later.

I meant to the following to post here*:

Oops….wrong section.

Wow…I did not know some people were accusing her of lying: which is super gross and (horribly) bananas. A person would have to be blind and/or evil to not see he's clearly behaving disgustingly.

Oh, I agree that entertainers shouldn't be locked into being a role model to their fans. And there certainly is a double standard when it comes to gender. Which, obviously, is total BS.

While I'm not a fan of hers, I am glad she won her counter suit because the dude is clearly being gross in that photo.

Coincidentally, Lang is whom I thought they'd cast as Cable.

He's actually 49, which makes your words doubly applicable.

I guess. He's a grown man though, and as such I'd imagine he's fully aware of his decision.

Right? In a New York minute.

I mention this on another recap page, but I wonder if Audrey is in a coma/dream-induced haze. Charlie's threat of 'ending' her story, her self-confessed inability to leave, the stream of people mentioned in her dialogue but never seen, and her stating she doesn't feel like herself (which tracks with her way OOC

They're from an alternate dimension.

& @Zod: But what about his Batman: The Long Halloween? I've long considered that one of the best Batman miniseries.

That argument was actually (successfully) addressed for years in the comicsverse, long before the movies were a thing.

Ricky Martin, in particular, struck me as grossly opportunistic. Especially considering how vehemently he use to deny it.

"The Corrections" felt as if it was written by someone who was subliminally thinking 'Great American Novel' during the entire process.

I too was surprised they never featured Amora; I thought she would've been much more interesting as a villain in Thor 2 than Skurge. It was such a lost opportunity.