The Notorious J.O.E.

I think people who think it's acceptable for a caucasian person to freely use the n-word like its NBD to be garbage people, yes. That also includes people (any race) who think it's open season to espouse racist ideology.

I'd completely agree. I'd also add that with pets, people see them as lacking free will or the ability to control their destiny. But, to them, a human 'chooses' to become a 'bad person' and is more involved in the path that leads them to that fate.

AVClubbers, I've nearly lost my mind reading comments on EW about this issue.

Fair enough. Thank you for not mocking me for being unsure. :)

Don't be rude. At least I took the time to ask instead of assuming.

Are you being sincere with this statement or was this sarcasm?

It actually has everything to do with this. Republicans were silent when various Right-associated types burned effigies of a sitting President. And if they did speak up, it was to defend said parties 1st Amendment rights.

This occurred with Buffy when she spontaneously chopped her hair in the S6 episode "Gone", motivated by both her sexual relationship with Spike and a comment he made about her hair.

Oh, but it's no longer 'Krystal'. It's 'Cristal'. Because she's Hispanic.

Yeah, the optics of Fake!Fallon having all these AA side characters falling all over her made me a little 'ehhhh…'

If the plan was to lean into the nostalgia factor while simultaneously generating excitement for this new iteration, then:…[sad trombone]. The CW definitely failed.

Not to mention it's format seems a bit elitist.

Your action makes me think of the Steel Magnolias quote:

Absolutely! His "Memory, Sorrow & Thorn" trilogy is amazing. GRRM claims it inspired him to write ASOIAF/GOT. I only bring it up because he's writing (a long awaited) sequel, with the first book out next month. He also wrote a "bridge" book between the two series that came out this past January.

I mentioned this on another post on AVC (and feel compelled to bring it up again because I'm an obsessed nerd :) ) but what about Aegon/Visenya/Rhaenys' initial conquering of The Seven Kingdoms?

It sounds like you're a fantasy reader? Have you read Tad Williams' work? Do you know about the "Memory, Sorrow & Thorn" trilogy…and the upcoming sequel?

God, I'd love to see TDoD as a show; those two short-stories were so good. I enjoyed the D&E stories, but felt the few female characters encountered were too recurring/temporary in relation to the main narrative. At least TDoD has a mixture of genders throughout the primary narragive.

Well! My point proven. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think it's pretty crazy to label someone "a jackass" based on an anecdote coming from a 2nd Party source. Especially since the same 2nd Party made it plenty clear that the person isn't a jerk and made the statement in confidence.

No, your response was simple. And pretentious. And proves my point as you are one of those very snobs I mention who will condemn an entire genre.