The Notorious J.O.E.

Well, you did continue to cast aspersions on Bumknuckle's friend, even after he insisted his friend wasn't being vain.

Well, they are by Ryan McKinley. Having conventionally attractive white guys doing "edgy" (ie, random) things is pretty much his photography oeuvre.

Right? He's had another super public breakup that's been unending catnip, except now there's several children involved. And if it is true that he was blindsided by the breakup, I would imagine it's quite the mindfuck.

See: "Atomic Blonde" with Charlize Theron. :)

Not really. This is her particular theme music, which was first used when she is first shown (in her WW regalia) in "Batman v Superman".

Wow, you sound exhausting. Good luck with that.

All music is manufactured. All musicians have to work and develop a song: it's not like anyone (in most cases) can pull a song fully formed straight out of their ass.

The AVC really needs to retire this feature. I get that the editors we're trying to be out-of-the-box with the concept, but this interview confirms that the idea only traffics in navel-gazing and judgments.

I find find people who say (insert genre music) "all sound alike" tiresome. Yeah, it sounds alike because it falls within that genre. The same argument can be made for Korn and its various nü-metal cohorts.

Do you mind elaborating (re: Sally Jupiter/Fountainhead comparisons)? I'm actually super curious regarding what you mean, but am lacking appropriate context.

Not sure of that's snark or not, but still: you're welcome.

"…Stage Beauty was a really interesting movie and was a really enormous challenge for me, personally…"

I'm (always) able to find it charming with Nicole. At least when she breaks, it's not A: all the time or B: to further an "oh look at me, aren't I a scamp" nonsense Fallon engages in. Thank God that date she attempted to have with him never went anywhere.

Don't get me wrong, I loved how things were unresolved: it made the ending more realistic. I just thought the binoculars-based shot was a very unusual method to close the show.

Agreed. The AVC is the only pop culture site where I feel as if an intelligent conversation can be had without flame outs, incivility or politically affiliated brow-beating. Even Entertainment Weekly's site will often get Breitbart/Info War neanderthals spouting their acidic drivel at any opportunity. Coming here is a

Does anyone else feel as if the show was teasing the potential of a S2? That last shot was filmed as if someone was looking through binoculars. Which then made me think it was the female detectthe watching thet; we know she clearly doesn't feel as if the case is resolved.

Was Marnie's mums friend the girl who died in s7 Buffy and she came back as The First because Amber Benson didn't want to come back as Tara in the form of the first.

Cool. Like I initially mentioned, I thought so but didnt want to be presumptuous. :)

I'm reading this as a compliment and not snark.

Totally. That's pretty much what I was saying above too. I definitely think it's along those lines.