The Notorious J.O.E.

That's the very point I'm making.

The new logo in the thumbnail photo was definitely the publicity photo: and changed deliberately, I think. The angle of that publicity photo is from the same room angle in the actual episode, and the old logo is used in the visual of the actual episode.

Its not linked. The showrunners said the Yul-host appearance was a visual easter egg, but doesn't contribute to the show's narrative.

Yeah. has been running weekly post-show interviews with the showrunners. I would provide the link, but wasn't sure if it was bad form to link to a pop culture website in the comments section of another. 😐

What do you mean? Are you saying Theresa's eyes were silver?

In tonight's post-show interview on another pop culture site, the showrunners claim that episode 8 addresses why the techs didn't disable Maeve.

But the separate timeline is still feasible. It's entirely possible the Angela host & video is still being used after all this time: Delores herself is one of the oldest hosts in WW and she is still kept in commission.

In tonight's post-show interview, the showrunners said it was a deliberate visual easter egg, but was merely a nod to the movie and doesn't contribute to the current show's narrative.

From the get go, the techs' uniforms made me think of butcher aprons, even though they're usual white in color.

Side note: Thompson is playing Valkyrie in the upcoming (third) Thor movie.

Plus the terminal Bernard accesses in the sub-subterranean section features the older logo: further confirmation the timeline is wonky since tonight's episode confirmed those same terminals are from long ago.

Eh. ;-) Considering that Logan emits entitled douchebaggery like disposed nuclear rods, I was okay with the little sh*t getting abandoned by William & Delores.

Just how rough can things get in the park?…Is there a safe word to stop things from going too far?

LoL @ Number 6. Thanks for the overview!

Ah…gotcha. I had no idea. Thanks for the explanation! 😀

Why do people hate Max Landis? I'm being serious in asking: I feel out of the loop.

What show(s) are you referring to?

Examples, please? BTW, I'm not being sarcastic…I'm legitimately curious.

Also please pardon my objectification, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how amazing Celia Imrie looks.

Yeah, I didn't find her at all sympathetic. Like, I feel her anger towards Robert's reactions to be total BS. If the genders of the two leads were reversed, would we be sympathetic to a man who slept with someone THIRTY TIMES behind his wife's back?